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   Словарь: Cловарь авторов

  • Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations - 1 док.
  • Society for Historical Research and Dialogue in Israel - 1 док.
  • Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (United States) - 4 док.
  • Society for Information Display - 1 док.
  • Society for Military History - 1 док.
  • Society for Music Theory - 1 док.
  • Society for News Design - 1 док.
  • Society for Nondestructive Testing - 1 док.
  • Society for promoting mutual friendly relations between Russia and America (Петроград) (английский язык)   см. Общество сближения между Россией и Америкой (Петроград)
  • Society for Psychical Research (английский язык)   см. Общество психических исследований
  • Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study - 1 док.
  • Society for the Comparative Study of Society and History (United States) - 1 док.
  • Society for the History of Technology - 1 док.
  • Society for the Popularization of Sciences - 1 док.
  • Society for the Promotion of International Law and Order - 1 док.
  • Society for the Publication of American Music, 34 seasson, 1953 - 1 док.
  • Society for the Study of Development and Growth. Symposium, 1963 (22 ; Storrs) - 1 док.
  • Society for the Study of Social Problems - 1 док.
  • Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (английский язык)   см. Сообщество всемирной интербанковской финансовой телекоммуникации
  • Society of American Bacteriologists - 1 док.

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