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  • Tripartite Meeting on the Employment Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions in the Banking and Financial Services Sector (2001;Geneva) - 1 док.
  • Tripartite Meeting on the Evolution of Employment, Working Time and Training in the Mining Industry (2002; Geneva) - 1 док.
  • Tripartite Meeting on the Future of Employment in the Tobacco Sector - 2 док.
  • Tripartite Meeting on the Future of Work and Quality in the Information Society - 2 док.
  • Tripartite Meeting on the Human Resource Implications of Globalization and Restructuring in Commerce (1999;Geneva) - 1 док.
  • Tripartite Meeting on the Promotion of Good Industrial Relations in Oil and Gas Production and Oil Refining (2002; Geneva) - 2 док.
  • Tripartite Meeting on the Social and Labour Dimensions of the Forestry and Wood Industries on the Move - 1 док.
  • Tripartite Meeting on the Social and Labour Dimensions of the Forestry and Wood Industries on the Move (2001) - 1 док.
  • Tripartite Meeting on the Social and Labour Impact of Globalization in the Manufacture of Transport Equipment (2000;Geneva) - 1 док.
  • Tripartite Meeting on Youth Employment - 1 док.
  • Tripier, Pierre - 1 док.
  • "Triple", група кампаній (Мінск)    см. "Трайпл", група кампаній (Мінск)
  • TRIPLE (товарный знак) (английский язык)   см. ТРАЙПЛ (товарный знак)
  • Triplex - 2 док.
  • Tripodi, T. - 1 док.
  • TRIPP LITE - 1 док.
  • Tripp, Miles (английский язык)   см. Трипп, Майлз
  • Tripp, Paul David - 4 док.
  • Tripp, Paul David (род. 1950) (английский язык)   см. Трипп, Пол Дэвид (род. 1950)
  • Trippel-Schulte, Petra - 1 док.

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