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   Словарь: Все словари

  • "The Byzantine trace in the Pacific Rim art culture in space of a polylogue China-Korea-USA-Australia-Russia", international scientific conference (2012 ; Владивосток) (английский язык)   см. "Византийский след в культуре и искусстве Тихоокеанского побережья в пространстве полилога Китай-Корея-США-Австралия-Россия", международная научная конференция (2012 ; Владивосток)
  • The Caravan Club - 1 док.
  • The Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (английский язык)   см. Картахенскі пратакол па біялагічнай бяспецы
  • The Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on Biological Diversity (английский язык)   см. Картахенскі пратакол па біялагічнай бяспецы
  • The Cascades группа - 1 док.
  • The cathedral library in Strängnäs (Швеция) (английский язык)   см. Biblioteka katedralna w Strängnäs (Швеция) (польский язык)
  • The Catholic University of America - 14 док.
  • The Center for Employment Security Education and Research - 1 док.
  • The Center for Romanian Studies - 5 док.
  • The Center for Social Sciences of the Seoul National University - 1 док.
  • The Center for the book, Library of Congress - 1 док.
  • The center for the promotion of disarmament and non-proliferation - 1 док.
  • The Center of Publication of the office of Islamic propagation if the Islamic Seminary of Qom - 1 док.
  • The Center of Publication of the Office of Islamic Propagation of the Islamic Seminary of Qom - 4 док.
  • The Center of the Bibliography and Book Science - 1 док.
  • The central bank of co-operative institutions in Palestine. - 3 док.
  • The Central Botanic Garden of the Academy of Sciences of BSSR - 1 док.
  • The Central Institute for Cybernetics and Information Processes - 1 док.
  • The Centre fo Studies of the Culture and History of East European Jews - 1 док.
  • The Centre for Research in Library and Information Management - 1 док.

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