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   Словарь: Все словари

  • Department of Mathematics Hokkaido University (Саппоро) (английский язык)   см. Hokkaido University (Саппоро). Department of Mathematics
  • Department of Medical Biology and General Genetics Vitebsk State Medical University (английский язык)   см. Витебский государственный медицинский университет. Кафедра медицинской биологии и общей генетики
  • Department of Medieval Studies, Central European University - 2 док.
  • Department of National Minorities and Lithuanians Living Abroad - 1 док.
  • Department of Nature Protection, Reserves, Forestry and Hunting Economy - 1 док.
  • Department of Overseas Trade - 1 док.
  • Department of Peace and Conflict Research - 1 док.
  • Department of Physics of Brest State Technical University (английский язык)   см. Brest State Technical University. Department of Physics
  • Department of policy planning - 2 док.
  • Department of Public Information - 24 док.
  • Department of Public Information United Nations - 1 док.
  • Department of Science and Higher Education - 1 док.
  • Department of sedc universities ; Department of international cooperation ; The state education commission (SEDS) P. R. China - 1 док.
  • Department of Semiotics - 1 док.
  • Department of Slavic Languages of the Monash University - 1 док.
  • Department of social and biological communication Slovak Akademy of sciences - 1 док.
  • Department of Social and Economic Geography - 2 док.
  • Department of Sociology and Social Psychology - 1 док.
  • Department of Sociology of the Goteborg University - 1 док.
  • Department of Special Collections of the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, The Hague - 1 док.

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