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  • "European Cimcool", компания (Нидерланды)    см. "Cimcool Europe", компания (Нидерланды)
  • European Cities Tourism's International Conference - 1 док.
    Справка о заголовке
  • European College of Bovine Health Management (6 ; 2011 ; Льеж) (английский язык) - 1 док.
  • European Colloquy on Regulatory Measures concerning the Protection of the Architectural Heritage against Natural Disasters in Europe (1989; Ravello) - 1 док.
  • European Colloquy on the Future of the Countryside (2; 1987; Lisbon) - 1 док.
  • European Commission    см. European Communities. European Commission
  • European Commission against Racism and Intolerance - 2 док.
  • European Commission. COST European Cooperation on Scienfific and Technical Research - 4 док.
  • European Commission, Directorate general - 1 док.
  • European Commission. Directorate General External Relations - 1 док.
  • European Commission. Directorate General for Competition - 1 док.
  • European Commission Directorate General XIII - E/4 - 1 док.
  • European Commission. Directorate-General for Regional Policy - 1 док.
  • European Commission. Directorate-General for Research Science and Society - Women and Science - 1 док.
  • European Commission for Democracy through Law - 29 док.
  • European Commission for Democracy through Law (английский язык)   см. Еўрапейская камісія за дэмакратыю праз права
  • European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission) - 1 док.
  • European Commission for Democracy trough Law - 1 док.
  • European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (английский язык)   см. Европейская комиссия по эффективности правосудия
  • European Commission. Information programme for the European citizen "Euro: one currency for Europe" - 1 док.

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