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   Словарь: Cловарь авторов

  • Japan. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. Statistics Department - 1 док.
  • Japan. Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. Economic and Industrial Policy Bureau. Research and Statistics Department - 2 док.
  • Japan. Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. Economic and Industrial Policy Bureau. Research and Statistics Department (Tokyo) - 3 док.
  • Japan. Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. Patent Office (английский язык)   см. Japan. Patent Office
  • Japan. Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. Lifelong Learning Policy Bureau. Analytical Research Planning Division - 1 док.
  • Japan. Ministry of Finance. - 12 док.
  • Japan. Ministry of Finance. Financial Bureau - 2 док.
  • Japan. Ministry of Finance. Financial Bureau, Tokyo - 2 док.
  • Japan. Ministry of Foreign Affairs - 9 док.
  • Japan. Ministry of Foreign Affairs - 12 док.
  • Japan. Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Economic Cooperation Bureau - 2 док.
  • Japan. Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. Pharmaceutical and Food Safety Bureau. Compliance and Narcotics Division - 1 док.
  • Japan. Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. Statistical Research and Training Institute - 1 док.
  • Japan. Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. Statistics Bureau - 12 док.
  • Japan. Ministry of the Environment - 8 док.
  • Japan. National Diet. Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission - 1 док.
  • Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization - 1 док.
    Справка о заголовке
  • Japan. Patent Office (английский язык) - 23 док.
  • Japan Patent Office (английский язык)   см. Japan. Patent Office
  • Japan PEN Club - 1 док.

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