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   Словарь: Все словари

  • American Institute of Business and Economics (Москва) (английский язык)   см. Американский институт бизнеса и экономики (Москва)
  • American Institute of Chemical Engineers - 8 док.
  • American Institute of Chemical Engineers (New York) - 1 док.
  • American Institute of Electrical Engineers - 7 док.
  • American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers - 2 док.
  • American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers. Metallurgical Society - 1 док.
  • American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers. Society of Mining Engineers - 1 док.
  • American Institute of Nutrition - 1 док.
  • American Institute of Physics - 13 док.
  • American Institute of Physics (New York) - 3 док.
  • American Instiute of Physics - 1 док.
  • American Israel Public Affairs Committee (США) (английский язык)   см. Комитет по американо-израильским общественным отношениям (США)
  • American Jewish Committee - 2 док.
  • American Jewish Committee. Statistical Department (New York) - 1 док.
  • American Jewish Historical Society - 1 док.
  • American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (английский язык)   см. "Джойнт", американский еврейский объединенный распределительный комитет
  • American Joint Distribution Committee - 1 док.
  • American Journal of Science - 1 док.
  • American Leather Chemists Assoсiation - 1 док.
  • American Libraries - 1 док.

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