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   Словарь: Все словари
   Запрос: qstr=lz2=rus

  • United Nations. Department of Economic and Social Affairs. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development - 1 док.
  • United Nations. Department of Economic and Social Affairs. United Nations Development Programme - 1 док.
  • United Nations. Department of Economic and Social Development. - 1 док.
  • United Nations. Department of Economic and Social Information and Policy Analysis. - 1 док.
  • United Nations. Department of General Assembly Affairs and Conference Services - 1 док.
  • United Nations. Department of Humanitarian Affairs - 2 док.
  • United Nations. Department of International Economic and Social Affairs. Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs - 1 док.
  • United Nations. Department of Political Affairs - 4 док.
  • United Nations.Department of Political and Security Council Affairs - 2 док.
  • United Nations. Department of Public Information. - 5 док.
  • United Nations. Department of Public Information - 6 док.
  • United Nations. Department of Public Information (английский язык)   см. Организация Объединенных Наций. Департамент общественной информации
  • United Nations. Deptment of Social and Economic Affairs. Division for Social Policy and Development. Social Integration Branch - 1 док.
  • United Nations Development Assistance Framework for the Republic of Belarus for 2011—2015 (английский язык)   см. Рамачная праграма ААН па аказанні дапамогі Беларусі ў мэтах развіцця на 2011—2015 гады
  • United Nations Development Fund for Women (английский язык)   см. Организация Объединенных Наций. Женский фонд развития
  • United Nations. Development Groupe. - 2 док.
  • United Nations Development Organization - 1 док.
  • United Nations. Development Program. - 1 док.
  • United Nations Development Program. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - 3 док.
  • United Nations Development Program. International labour organisation - 1 док.

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