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2003 Асіноўская, Ганна Аляксандраўна (кандыдат фізіка-матэматычных навук, матэматыка) On the Jordan block structure of images of some unipotent elements in modular irreducible representations of the classical algebraic groups / A.A.Osinovskaya, I.D.Suprunenko ; Nat. Acad. of Science of Belarus. Inst. of Mathematics
2001 Матус, Петр Павлович (доктор физико-математических наук, математик ; род. 1953) The maximum principle and its application for investigating stability and convergence of difference schemes / P.P.Matus
2003 Асіноўская, Ганна Аляксандраўна (кандыдат фізіка-матэматычных навук, матэматыка) On the restrictions of modular irreducible representations of algebraic groups of type An to naturally embedded subgroups of type A2 / A.A.Osinovskaya ; National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Institute of Mathematics
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