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2007 Барадулін, Рыгор (паэт ; 1935—2014) Ксты ; Быць! / Ryhor Baradulin ; [compiled by Uladzislau Zavalniuk and Ala Sakalouskaya] ; [перакладчык: Го Касіна] ; [afterword by Shunichi Yamashita]
2010 Miyamoto Etsuya (род. 1931) Escape from the classic paradigm : the completion of a forecasting theory for colors, patterns, materials and design details and the physical design concept of vision / Etsuya Miyamoto
2010 Miyamoto Etsuya (род. 1931) Classic paradigm revolution : distribution revolution timetable : modology of fashion, taste, automobiles / Etsuya Miyamoto. Manifesto for emerging from the global financial depression. Forecasting 2020 world election : why the media will inevitably fail to predict the coming political power shifts in Japan and the world / Barack Obama
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