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1998 United Nations. World Bank Household welfare and Vietnam's transition / edited by David Dollar, Paul Glewwe, Jennie Litvack
2004   Economic growth, poverty, and household welfare in Vietnam / edited by Paul Glewwe, Nisha Agrawal, David Dollar
1995 United Nations. World Bank Who is most vulnerable to macroeconomic shocks? : hypotheses tests using panel data from Peru / Paul Glewwe, Gillette Hall
1998 United Nations. World Bank The role of the private sector in education in Vietnam : evidence from the "Vietnam Living Standards Survey" / Paul Glewwe, Harry Anthony Patrinos
1995 United Nations. World Bank A guide to living standards measurement study surveys and their data sets / Margaret E. Grosh, Paul Glewwe
1997 United Nations. World Bank How does schooling of mothers improve child health? : [evidence from Morocco] / Paul Glewwe
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