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Дата Автор Заглавие
1989 Aznauryan, I. G. Mesons in relativistic quark model : YERPHI-1185(62)-89
1985 Aznauryan, I. G. Electron scattering from light nuclei in the regions of quasi-elastic peak and Δ-isobar excitation : ЕФИ-781(8)-85
1990 Aznauryan, I. G. Mesons radiative decay form factors in a relativistic quark model and their contributions to the cross sections of electroproduction of these mesons : YERPHI-1248-(34)-90
1988 Aznauryan, I. G. Nucleon form factors in relativistic quark model. Behaviour in low momentum transfer region and QCD asymototics : YERPHI-1070(33)-88
1985 Aznauryan, I. G. Electric dipole photoabsorption and quark structure of nucleons : ЕФИ-830(57)-85
1986 Aznauryan, I. G. Relativistic effects in V→ H°γ decay : ЕФИ-862(33)-86
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