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Дата Автор Заглавие
2001 Haydn, Joseph (1732—1809) Stabat mater [Звукозапись] : For soloists, chorus and orchestra / J.Haydn; Performers: P.Rozario, soprano (4, 8, 13, 14); C.Robbin, mezzo-soprano (2, 9, 13); A.R.Johnson, tenor (1; 6; 8; 12); C.Hauptmann, bass (5; 11) ; Choir of the Englich Concert (1; 3; 7; 10; 13; 14); The English Concert on authentic instruments mit Originalinstrumenten Leader; Konzertmeister S.Standage; Directed by T.Pinnock
2002 Бетховен, Людвиг ван (композитор ; 1770—1827) Missa Solemnis [Звукозапись] : For four solo voices, chorus, orchestra and organ: in D major : Op. 123 / Ludvig Beethoven; [Исполн.]: Charlotte Margiono, soprano, Catherine Robbin, mezzo-soprano, William Kendall, tenor, Alastair Miles, bass; The Monteverdi choir, Orchestre Revolutionnaise et Romantique, John Eliot Gardiner
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