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1991 Emerson, Michael (эканаміст ; нар. 1940) Der ECU-Report : die einheitliche europ. Wahrung u. was sie fur uns bedeutet / Michael Emerson, Christopher Huhne ; ubers. von James Turner [et al.]
2009   Synergies vs. spheres of influence in the Pan-European space : report prepared for the Policy Planning Staff of the Federal Foreign Office of Germany / Michael Emerson [et al.] ; Centre for European Policy Studies
2009   Democracy's plight in the European neighbourhood : struggling transitions and proliferating dynasties / [authors:] Leila Alieva [et al.] ; editors: Michael Emerson, Richard Youngs ; Centre for European Policy Studies ; Fundación para las Relaciones Internacionales y el Diálogo Exterior
2006   The prospect of deep free trade between the European Union and Ukraine / [authors:] T. Huw Edwards [et al.] ; project editor: Michael Emerson ; Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels ; Institut für Weltwirtschaft, Kiel ; International Centre for Policy Studies, Kyiv
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