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1971 United Nations conference on trade and development, Geneva Restrictive business practices : Interim report by the UNCTAD secretariat / UNCTAD
1969 United Nations conference on trade and development, Geneva Trade in manufactures of developing countries 1968 rewiew
1973 United Nations conference on trade and development, Geneva Restrictive business practices : Studies on the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northen Ireland, the United States of America and Japan / UNCTAD
1971 United Nations conference on trade and development, Geneva Restrictions on exports in foreign collaboration agreements in India / by the Indian Investment Centre New Delhi
1971 United Nations conference on trade and development, Geneva Guidelines for tourism statistics : prepared by the secretariat of UNCTAD
1968 United Nations conference on trade and development, Geneva Trade prospects and capital needs of developing countries : Study prepared by the UNCTAD secretariat
1968 United Nations conference on trade and development, Geneva Review of international trade and development, 1967 : report by the Secretary-General of UNCTAD
1971 United Nations conference on trade and development, Geneva Leather and leather products : report by the secretariat of UNCTAD
1971 United Nations conference on trade and development, Geneva Trade in manufactures of developing countries 1970 review
1970 United Nations conference on trade and development, Geneva Review of international trade and development 1970 : report by the Secretariat of UNCTAD
1973 United Nations conference on trade and development, Geneva Reinsurance problems in developing countries : stydy by the UNCTAD secretariat
1967 Sarangan, T. K. Liner shipping in India's overseas trade / by T. K. Sarangan
1966 United Nations conference on trade and development, Geneva UNCTAD commodity survey 1966
1972 United Nations conference on trade and development, Geneva Trade prospects and capital needs of developing countries during the second United Nations development decade : report by the UNCTAD secretariat
1972 United Nations conference on trade and development, Geneva Insurance legislation and supervision in developing countries
1973 United Nations conference on trade and development, Geneva Review of maritime transport, 1971 : Review of current and long-term aspects of maritime transport / report by the secretariat of UNCTAD
1972 United Nations conference on trade and development, Geneva Guidelines for the study of the transfer of technology to developing countries : a study by the UNCTAD secretariat
1972 United Nations conference on trade and development, Geneva Restrictive business practices : The operations of multinational United States enterprises in developing countries, their role in trade and development / Raymond Vernon
1971 United Nations conference on trade and development, Geneva Current problems of economic integration : Fiscal compensation and the distribution of benefits in economic groupings of developing countries / Peter Robson
1968 United Nations conference on trade and development, Geneva Commodity survey : 1968
1968 United Nations conference on trade and development, Geneva The Kennedy Round estimated effects on tariff barriers : Report by the Secretary-general of UNCTAD : Parts one and two
1972 United Nations conference on trade and development, Geneva Restrictions on exports in foreign collaboration agreements in the Republi of the Philippines / by a team of researches under the supervision of Cesar Virata
1971 United Nations conference on trade and development, Geneva Bills of lading : report by the secretariat of UNCTAD
1970 United Nations conference on trade and development, Geneva Trade in manufactures of developing countries 1969 review
1969 United Nations conference on trade and development, Geneva Handbook of international trade and development statistics = Manuel de statistiques du commerce international et du développement : 1969
1968 United Nations conference on trade and development, Geneva Commodity survey : 1967
1967 United Nations conference on trade and development, Geneva Consultation in shipping : Establishment of national and regional shippers' bodies, consultation and negotiation between shippers and shipowners : Report by the Secretary-general of UNCTAD
1973 United Nations conference on trade and development, Geneva The economic effects of the closure of the Suez Canal / study by the secretariat of UNCTAD
1973 United Nations conference on trade and development, Geneva Elements of tourism policy in developing countries : report by the secretariat of UNCTAD / United Nations conference on trade and development, Geneva
1970 United Nations conference on trade and development, Geneva Unitization of cargo : Report by the secretariat of UNCTAD
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