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1973 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (28) Elimination of all forms of religious intolerance : Draft declaration on the elimination of all forms of religious intolerance : report of the secretary-general / United Nations. General assembly. 28th Session
1973 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (28) United Nations salary system : Draft statute of the International civil service commission : report of the Secretary-General
1973 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (28) Policies of apartheid of the government of South Africa : report of the Secretary-general
1973 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (28) Report of the committee on contributions
1973 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (28) Report of the special committee on the situation with regard to the implementation of the declaration on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples
1973 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (28) Report of the special committee on the question of defining aggression : 25 April - 30 May 1973
1973 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (28) Accounts for the year ended 31 December 1972 and report of the board of auditors / United Nations relief and works agency for Palestine refugees in the near east
1973 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (28) Elimination of all forms of racial discrimination : Decade for action to combat racism and racial discrimination : report of the secretary-general
1973 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (28) Report of the international court of justice : 1 August 1972 - 31 July 1973 : Supplement No. 5 (A/9005) : official records : 28th session
1973 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (28) Observance of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the universal declaration of human rights : report of the secretary-general / United Nations. General assembly. 28th Session
1973 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (28) Consideration of the economic and social situation in the Sudano-Sahelian region stricken by drought and measures to be taken for the benefit of that region : note by the Secretary-General
1973 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (28) Policies of apartheid of the government of South Africa : International conference of trade unions against apartheid : report of the special committee on apartheid
1973 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (28) Report of the commissioner-general of the United Nations relief and works agency for Palestine refugees in the Near East : 1 July 1972 - 30 June 1973
1973 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (28) Joint inspection unit : report on the use of experts and consultants in the United Nations : note by the secretary-general
1973 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (28) Report of the committee on the peaceful uses of outer space
1973 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (28) Report of the United Nations high commissioner for refugees
1973 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (28) Report of the industrial development board on the work of its 7th session : 7-15 May 1973 / United Nations industrial development organization
1973 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (28) Supplementary estimates for the financial year 1973 : report of the Secretary-General
1973 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (28) Assistance in cases of natural disaster and other disaster situations : activities of the office of the United Nations disaster relief co-ordinator (UNDRO) : report of the secretary-general
1973 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (28) Respect for human rights in armed conflicts : Existing rules of international law concerning the prohibition or restriction of use of specific weapons : survey prepared by the Secretariat : Vol. II
1973 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (28) Accounts for the year ended 31 December 1972 and report of the board of auditors / Voluntary funds administered by the United Nations high commissioner for refugees
1973 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (28) Report of the committee on the peaceful uses of the sea-bed and the ocean floor beyond the limits of national jurisdiction : Vol. I
1973 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (28) United Nations university : report of the Secretary-general / United Nations. General assembly. 28th Session
1973 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (28) General and complete disarmament chemical and bacteriological (biological) weapons urgent need for suspension of nuclear and thermonuclear tests : report of the conference of the committee on disarmament
1973 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (28) Financial report and accounts for the year ended 31 December 1972 and report of the board of auditors / United Nations
1973 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (28) Report on office accommodation for United Nations staff in Geneva : [note by the secretary-general] / by Albert F. Bender, Jr
1973 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (28) Policies of apartheid of the government of South Africa : Implementation by States of United Nations resolutions on apartheid : report of the special committee on apartheid
1973 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (28) Question of the elderly and the aged : conditions, needs and services, and suggested guidelines for national policies and international action : report of the secretary-general / United Nations. General assembly. 28th Session
1973 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (28) Implementation of the declaration on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples : International conference of experts for the support of victims of colonialism and apartheid in Southern Africa : report of the Secretary-general
1973 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (28) Joint inspection unit : report on communications in the United Nations system : note by the secretary-general
1973 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (28) Annotated preliminary list of items to be included in the provisional agenda of the 28th regular session of the general assembly
1973 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (28) Respect for human rights in armed conflicts : Existing rules of international law concerning the prohibition or restriction of use of specific weapons : survey prepared by the Secretariat : Vol. I
1973 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (28) Draft convention on the prevention and punishment of crimes against diplomatic agents and other internationally protected persons : report of the secretary-general
1973 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (28) Report of the committee on the elimination of racial discrimination
1973 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (28) Report of the governing council : on the work of its 1st session, 12-22 June 1973
1973 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (28) Report of the secretary-general on the work of the organization : 16 June 1972 - 15 June 1973
1973 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (28) Financial report and accounts for the year ended 31 December 1972 and report of the board of auditors / United Nations institute for training and research
1973 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (28) Report of the United Nations commission on international trade law on the work of its 6th session : 2-13 April 1973
1973 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (28) Report of the Ad Hoc committee on the Indian ocean : Official records : Supplement No. 29 (A/9029)
1973 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (28) Report of the committee on the peaceful uses of the sea-bed and the ocean floor beyond the limits of national jurisdiction : Vol. IV
1973 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (28) Elimination of all forms of religious intolerance : analytical presentation of the observations received from governments concerning the draft declaration on the elimination of all forms of religious intolerance : note by the Secretary-general / United Nations. General assembly. 28th Session
1973 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (28) Report of the trusteeship council : 17 June 1972 - 22 June 1973
1973 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (28) Report of the committee on relations with the host country
1973 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (28) Report of the committee on the peaceful uses of the sea-bed and the ocean floor beyond the limits of national jurisdiction : Vol. III
1973 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (28) Medium-term plan for the period 1974-1977
1973 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (28) Report of the executive director of the United Nations institute for training and research
1973 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (28) Financial report and accounts for the year ended 31 December 1972 and report of the board of auditors / United Nations development programme
1973 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (28) Report of the Security Council, 16 June 1972 - 15 June 1973 : Supplement No. 2 (A/9002)
1973 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (28) Report of the committee on the peaceful uses of the sea-bed and the ocean floor beyond the limits of national jurisdiction : Vol. VI : Supplement No. 21 (A/9021)
1973 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (28) Crime prevention and control : Note by the Secretary-General
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