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   Запрос: a001="BY-SEK-ar13902622"
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Дата Автор Заглавие
1996 Department of Economics University of Oslo Long-term union-firm contracts / by Geir B. Asheim and Jon Strand
1984 Department of Economics University of Oslo The relationship between wages and firm size : an information theoretic analysis / by Jon Strand
1996 Strand, Jon First-best environmental taxation under moral hazard / by Jon Strand
1996 Department of Economics University of Oslo Long-term union-firm contracts / by Jon Strand
1996 Department of Economics University of Oslo Competitive credit markets with adverse selection and moral hazard : credit rationing and multiple equilibria / by Jon Strand
1984 Department of Economics University of Oslo Recent developments in the theory of repeated games, with applications to the social sciences / by Jon Strand
1996 Strand, Jon Efficient environmental taxation under worker-firm bargaining / by Jon Strand
1996 Strand, Jon Business fluctuations, worker moral hazard and optimal environmental policy / by Jon Strand
1996 Department of Economics University of Oslo Oligopoly with monopoly unions / by Jon Strand
1996 Strand, Jon Developing country resource extraction with asymmetric and sovereign debt : a theoretical analysis / by Jon Strand
1996 Department of Economics University of Oslo Bureaucratic corruption in government contract Procurement : a theoretical model / by Jon Strand
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