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Дата Автор Заглавие
2009 United Nations. World Bank The role and impact of public-private partnerships in education / Harry Anthony Patrinos, Felipe Barrera-Osorio, Juliana Guáqueta
2012   Indigenous peoples, poverty, and development / edited by Gillette H. Hall, Harry Anthony Patrinos
1997 United Nations. World Bank Decentralization of education : demand-side financing / Harry Anthony Patrinos, David Lakshmanan Ariasingam
1998 United Nations. World Bank The role of the private sector in education in Vietnam : evidence from the "Vietnam Living Standards Survey" / Paul Glewwe, Harry Anthony Patrinos
2007 United Nations. World Bank Mobilizing the private sector for public education : a view from the trenches / editors: Harry Anthony Patrinos, Shobhana Sosale
2009 United Nations. World Bank Emerging evidence on vouchers and faith-based providers in education : case studies from Africa, Latin America, and Asia / editors: Felipe Barrera-Osorio, Harry Anthony Patrinos, Quentin Wodon
1994 United Nations. World Bank Indigenous people and poverty in Latin America : an empirical analysis / edited by George Psacharopoulos, Harry Anthony Patrinos
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