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1999 United Nations. World Bank Adjustments after speculative attacks in Latin America and Asia : a tale of two regions? / Guillermo E. Perry and Daniel Lederman
1998 United Nations. World Bank Annual World Bank Conference on Development in Latin America and the Caribbean, 1997 : trade: towards open regionalism : proceedings of a conference held in Montevideo, Uruguay / edited by Shahid Javed Burki, Guillermo E. Perry, Sara Calvo
2000 United Nations. World Bank Annual World Bank Conference on Development in Latin America and the Caribbean, 1999 : decentralization and accountability of the public sector : proceedings of a Conference held in Valdivia, Chile, June 20―22, 1999 / edited by Shahid Javed Burki, Guillermo E. Perry
1997 United Nations. World Bank The long march : a reform agenda for Latin America and the Caribbean in the next decade / Shahid Javed Burki and Guillermo E. Perry
1999 United Nations. World Bank Chile : recent policy lessons and emerging challenges / edited by Guillermo Perry, Danny M. Leipziger
2003 United Nations. World Bank Turmoil in Latin America and the Caribbean : volatility, spillovers, and contagion / Guillermo E. Perry, Norbert Fiess
1997 United Nations. World Bank Currency boards and external shocks : how much pain, how much gain? / Guillermo Calvo [et al.] ; edited by Guillermo E. Perry
1998 United Nations. World Bank Financial vulnerability, spillover effects and contagion : lessons from the Asian crises for Latin America / Guillermo E. Perry and Daniel Lederman
2008 United Nations. World Bank Fiscal policy, stabilization, and growth : prudence or abstinence? / edited by Guillermo E. Perry, Luis Servén and Rodrigo Suescún
1999 United Nations. World Bank Beyond the center : decentralizing the state : viewpoints / Shahid Javed Burki, Guillermo E. Perry, William R. Dillinger
2008 United Nations. World Bank Informalidad : escape y exclusión / Guillermo E. Perry [et al.]
2006 United Nations. World Bank Poverty reduction and growth: virtuous and vicious circles / Guillermo E. Perry [et al.]
1999 United Nations. World Bank Annual World Bank Conference on Development in Latin America and the Caribbean, 1998 : banks and capital markets: sound financial systems for the 21st century : proceedings of a conference held in San Salvador, El Salvador / edited by Shahid Javed Burki, Guillermo E. Perry [et al.]
2007 United Nations. World Bank Informality : exit and exclusion / Guillermo E. Perry [et al.]
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