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2000 UNESCO. International Bioethics Committee of UNESCO. Session (6; 1999). Intergovernmental Bioethics Committee. Session (1; 1999) Actes = Proceedings. — Vol. 2
1999 World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology. Session (1 ; 1999 ; Oslo) Proceedings [of the] first session, Oslo, Norway, 28-30 April 1999 / Div. of the Ethics of Science and Technology ; Oslo ; 1999
2000 UNESCO. International Bioethics Committee of UNESCO. Session (6; 1999). Intergovernmental Bioethics Committee. Session (1; 1999) Proceedings / Div. of the Ethics of Science and Technology of UNESCO. — Vol. 1
1999 UNESCO. International Bioethics Committee. Session (5) Proceedings / Div. of the Ethics of Science and Technology. — Vol. 1
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