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2003   Business rankings annual, 2003 : Lists of companies, products, services, and activities compiled from a variety of published sources / Ed.: Deborah J.Untener, Amy Darga, Lynn M.Pearce
2002   Business rankings annual : Comulative index, 1989-2002 : Includes ref. to all listings in fourteen ed. of Business rankings annual / Ed.: Amy Brooks, Lynn M.Pearce, Deborah J.Untener
2003   Business rankings annual : Cumulative Index, 1989-2003: Includes ref. to all listings in fifteen ed. of Business rankings annual / Ed.: Deborah J.Untener, Amy Darga, Lynn M.Pearce
2002   Business rankings annual, 2002 : Lists of companies, products, services, and activities compiled from a variety of published sources / Ed.: Amy Brooks, Lynn M.Pearce, Deborah J.Untener
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