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1985 Дзяржаўны гістарычны музей (Масква) The Historical Museum, Moscow [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : jewellery / [text and selection by Marina Postnikova-Loseva [et al.] ; [translated from the Russian by Arthur Shkarovsky-Raffé]
1997 Petrov, Vsevolod Russian art nouveau : The world of art and Diaghilev's painters: Painting, graphic art, theatrical design / Vsevolod Petrov ; Ed.: I.Kharitonova ; Introd.: V.Petrov ; Biogr.: B.Solovyova ; Transl. from the Russ.: A.Shkarovsky-Raffe
1985   Bactrian gold from the excavations of the Tillya-Tepe necropolis in Northern Afghanistan [Выяўленчы матэрыял] / [text and selection by Victor Sarianidi ; translated from the Russian by Arthur Shkarovsky-Raffé] ; The Institute of Archaeology of the USSR Academy of Sciences ; The National Museum of Afghanistan
1983   Keepers of beauty [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : [master craftsmen of the Russian Federation, the Ukraine, Lithuania, Azerbaijan, and Central Asia] / [text and selection by Alexander Milovsky] ; [translated from the Russian by Arthur Shkarovsky-Raffe]
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