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Дата Автор Заглавие
2000   International who's who in music / Ed.: J.Gifford et al. ; Publ.: N.S.Law
2001   International authors and writers who's who / Ed.: D.K.McIntire ; Publ.: N.S.Law
1999   Who's who in Asia and the Pacific nations / Comp. ed.: B.Kay, C.Bootman ; Ed. in chief: J.Gifford ; Publ.: N.S.Law
2001   International who's who in poetry and Poets' encyclopaedia / Ed.: D.K.McIntire ; Publ.: N.S.Law
2000   International who's who in music and musicians' directory : in the classical and light classical fields / Ed.: J.Gifford, D.M.Cummings ; Publ.: N.S.Law
2000   International who's who in music / Ed.: J.Gifford et al. ; Publ.: N.S.Law. — Vol. 2: Popular music
2001   Dictionary of international biography : A biogr. record of contemporary achievement / Ed. in chief: J.Gifford ; Publ.: N.S.Law ; President: J.Cocteau
2002   2000 outstanding intellectuals of the 21st century / editor-in-chief: Jon Gifford ; publisher: Nicholas S. Law
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