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Дата Автор Заглавие
2001   План важнейшых навукова-даследчых работ у галіне прыродазнаўчых, тэхнічных, гуманітарных і сацыяльных навук і мастацтваў па Рэспубліцы Беларусь... / Нацыянальная акадэмія навук Беларусі ; [падрыхтавалі: Г. А. Буткін і інш.]
2006   Non-Euclidean geometry in modern physics : proc. of the 5th intern. conf. Bolyai-Gauss-Lobachevsky (BGL-5) : Minsk, Oct. 10-13, 2006 / ed. by Yu. Kurochkin a. V. Red'kov
2017 "Integration of Belarusian scientists in the research programs of the world's leading nuclear physics centers", international symposium (1 ; 2017 ; Минск) BelINP — 2017 : 1st International Symposium "Integration of Belarusian scientists in the research programs of the world's leading nuclear physics centers", ICRANet-Minsk Workshop, User Meeting on Neutron Technics, April 26―28, 2017, Minsk, Belarus : program & abstracts / [organizing committee: Vasily Mashko (chairman) [et al.] ; National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, State Scientific Institution "B. I. Stepanov Institute of Physics"
2016 Конгресс физиков Беларуси (5 ; 2015 ; Минск) V Congress of Physicists of Belarus : proceedings of the IX International Conference "Methods of non-Euclidean geometry in physics and mathematics" Bolyai-Gauss-Lobachevsky ― 9 (BGL-9), Minsk, 27―30 October 2015 / edited by Yu. Kurochkin and V. Red'kov ; National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, B. I. Stepanov Institute of Physics ; Belarussian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research ; Belarussian State University ; Belarussian Physical Society ; National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics
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