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Дата Автор Заглавие
2011-2012   Лявото днес : доклади и откъси от дискусията от конференцията, 23. 10. 2010, София / Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, Southeast Europe
2009   The Left in Europe : political parties and party alliances between Norway and Turkey / editors: Cornelia Hildebrandt, Birgit Daiber
2016 Radenković, Ivan Foreign direct investments in Serbia / Ivan Radenković
2017 Pavlaković, Vjeran Yugoslav volunteers in the Spanish Civil War / Vjeran Pavlaković
2012   From revolution to coalition — radical left parties in Europe : country studies of 2010 updated through 2011 / edited by Birgit Daiber, Cornelia Hildebrandt, Anna Striethorst ; translated by Phil Hill
2014   Situation on the left in Europe after the EU elections: new challenges : papers [of the] International Workshop of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, July 21―23, 2014, in Berlin / edited by Cornelia Hildebrandt
2008   Internationale Politik im 21. Jahrhundert : Konfliktlinien und geostrategische Veränderungen / Herausgeber: Erhard Crome
2008   Rosa Luxemburg, or The price of freedom / published by Jörn Schütrumpf ; [translated from German by Natasha Mueller-Hirth] ; Rosa Luxemburg Foundation
2012   Another European Union is necessary and possible : left requirements for a peaceful and civil European Union = Един друг Европейски съюз е нужен и възможен : искания на левицата за изграждане на мирен и демократичен Европейски съюз / Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung
2004   Das letzte Jahr der DDR : zwischen Revolution und Selbstaufgabe / herausgegeben von Stefan Bollinger
2010 Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung (Берлин) Rosa Luxemburg Foundation / [responsible editor: Ramona Hering]
2013   Another European Union is necessary and possible : challenges of the left on the economic and financial policy of the European Union = Един друг Европейски съюз е нужен и възможен : искания на левицата относно икономическата и финансовата политика на Европейския съюз / Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung
2016   Not safe at all : the safe countries of origin legislation and the consequences for Roma migrants / [authors: Wenke Christoph [et al.] ; [translation: Lydia Baldwin]
2005 Kannapin, Detlef Dialektik der Bilder. Der Nationalsozialismus im deutschen Film : ein Ost-West-Vergleich : [von der Philosophischen Fakultät III der Humboldt-Universität Berlin als Dissertationsschrift angenommen] / Detlef Kannapin
2012   Die ideologische und organisatorische Entwicklung von rechtspopulistischen und faschistischen Parteien in der EU — Anforderungen an die Linke = Идеологическото и организационното развитие на дяснопопулистките и фашистките партии в ЕС ― задачите пред левицата / Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung
2017 Suvin, Darko Lessons from the Russian revolution and its fallout : an epistemological approach / Darko Suvin
2004   Berlin und Bonn in New York : die beiden deutschen Staaten in den Vereinten Nationen / herausgegeben von Daniel Küchenmeister, Detlef Nakath, Gerd-Rüdiger Stephan ; Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Brandenburg
2016   Migrant detention in the European Union: a thriving business : outsourcing and privatisation of migrant detention / general coordination and drafting: Lydie Arbogast
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