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Дата Автор Заглавие
1999   Encyclopedia of the Renaissance / Ed. in chief: Paul F.Grendler ; Publ. in assoc. with the Renaissance Soc. of America. — Vol. 6: Shakespeare - Zwingli. Systematic outline. Directory contributors. Index
1999   Encyclopedia of the Renaissance / Ed. in chief: Paul F.Grendler ; Publ. in assoc. with the Renaissance Soc. of America
1999   Encyclopedia of the Renaissance / Ed. in chief: Paul F.Grendler ; Publ. in assoc. with the Renaissance Soc. of America. — Vol. 5: Peucer - Sforza
2004   The Renaissance : An encyclopedia for students / Ed.: Paul F.Grendler
2004   The Renaissance : An encyclopedia for students / Ed.: Paul F.Grendler. — Vol. 1: Academies - Cromwell
1999   Encyclopedia of the Renaissance / Ed. in chief: Paul F.Grendler ; Publ. in assoc. with the Renaissance Soc. of America. — Vol. 1: Abrabanel - Civility
2004   The Renaissance : An encyclopedia for students / Ed.: Paul F.Grendler. — Vol. 3: Kepler - Princes and princedoms
1999   Encyclopedia of the Renaissance / Ed. in chief: Paul F.Grendler ; Publ. in assoc. with the Renaissance Soc. of America. — Vol. 4: Machiavelli - Petrarchism
1999   Encyclopedia of the Renaissance / Ed. in chief: Paul F.Grendler ; Publ. in assoc. with the Renaissance Soc. of America. — Vol. 2: Class - Furio Ceriol
2004   The Renaissance : An encyclopedia for students / Ed.: Paul F.Grendler. — Vol. 2: Daily life - Julius II
2004   The Renaissance : An encyclopedia for students / Ed.: Paul F.Grendler. — Vol. 4: Printing and publishing - Writing
1999   Encyclopedia of the Renaissance / Ed. in chief: Paul F.Grendler ; Publ. in assoc. with the Renaissance Soc. of America. — Vol. 3: Galen - Lyon
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