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1984 Ioffe, B. L. Static and dynamical properties of light hadrons in QCD : Lecture al the XXIII Cracow School of Theoretical Physics
1994 Ioffe, B. L. The nucleon spin problem
1985 Березинский, Вениамин Сергеевич (доктор физико-математических наук ; род. 1934) Cygnus X-3 as a glueballino soure : ITEP-127
1988 Eletsky, V. L. On temperature dependence of correlators of hadronic currents : Preprint №30
1993 Ioffe, B. L. Is the operator product expansion in deep inelastic lepton-hadron scattering an asymptotic or a convergent series?
1985 Ioffe, B. L. Structure functions of deep inelastic scattering in the region of intermediate X in QCD : ITEP-131
1984 Belyaev, V. M. The nucleon axial isoscalar coupling constant and the bjorken sum rule
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