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1999 Prague Quadrennial of stage design and theatre architecture'99 National sections : Catalogue of the exhibition / Min. of Culture of the Republic of Belarus, Belaruss. Acad. of Arts, Belaruss. Theatre Workers League, Spec. Fund of the President of Belarus on Culture and Art Support ; Пер. : Наталля і Андрэй Лэйзер ; Склад. : Б. Лазука, І. Рахманава, Д. Мохаў
1999 Prague Quadrennial of stage design and theatre architecture'99 Schools : Catalogue of exhibition / Min. of Culture of the Republic of Belarus, Belaruss. Acad. of Arts, Belaruss. Theatre Workers League, Spec. Fund of the President of Belarus on Culture and Art Support ; Склад. : Б. Лазука, І. Рахманава, Д. Мохаў
1999 Prague Quadrennial of stage design and theatre architecture'99 Thematical sections. Dmitry Mokhov : Catalogue of exhibition / Min.of Culture of the Republic of Belarus, Belaruss. Acad. of Arts, Belaruss. Theatre Workers League, Spec. Fund of the President of Belarus on Culture and Art Support ; Склад. : Б. Лазука, І. Рахманова, Д. Мохаў ; Пер. : Н. і А. Лэйзер
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