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   Запрос: a001="BY-SEK-314874"
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Дата Автор Заглавие
2000   Некоторые закономерности образования ядер с 2
1999   Wide aperture multipole magnets of the kinematic separator COMBAS : Basic principles of magnets design / [Auth.] : A. G. Artukh, G. F. Gridnev, Yu. G. Teterev a.o
1999   Wide aperture multipole magnets of the kinematic separator COMBAS : Analyzing multipole magnets M2 and M7 with compensation for higher order aberrations / [Auth.] : A. G. Artukh, G. F. Gridnev, Yu. G. Teterev a. o
2000   Forward angle yields of isotopes with 2 < Z < 11 in the reaction of 18 O (35. A MeV) with 9Be / A.G.Artukh, G.F.Gridnev, M.Gruszecki et al
1999   Wide aperture multipole magnets of the kinematic separator COMBAS : Analyzing multipole magnets M1 and M8 with compensation for higher order aberrations / [Auth.] : A. G. Artukh, G. F. Gridnev, Yu. G. Teterev a o
1999   Wide aperture multipole magnets of the kinematic separator COMBAS : Correcting pair of multipole magnets M3M4 (M5M6) with compensation for higher order aberrations / [Auth.] : A.G. Artukh, G. F. Gridnev, Yu. G. Teterev a.o
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