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1997 Быстрицкий, Вячеслав Михайлович (доктор физико-математических наук ; род. 1942) On experimental determination of characteristics of nuclear fusion reactions from mu-molecular resonance states : submitted to "Ядерная физика" / V. M. Bystritsky, F. M. Pen'kov
1997   A method for the intrinsic calibration of CsI(T1) detectors / [Auth.]: D. V. Kamanin, W. Wagner, H.-G. Ortlepp
1997   Orientational states of a C60 molecule in crystals / [Auth.] : V. L. Aksenov, Yu. A. Ossipyan, V. S. Shakhmatov
1997 Pestov, I. B. On the concept of spin
1997   Study of single-particle correlations in events with the total disintegration of nuclei / [Auth.] : O. B. Abdinov, A. I. Anoshin, A. M. Bagirov et al
1997   Analysis of reactions of superheavy element synthesis within the framework of the dinuclear system concept : the talk presented at the 6 school-seminar "Heavy ion physics", Dubna, September 22-27, 1997 / V. V. Volkov [et al.]
1998 Михайлов, Сергей Владимирович (физик) Renormalon chains contributions to non-singlet evolytion kernels in QCD
1999 Ladygin, V. P. Analyzing power of pp- and np-elastic scattering at momenta between 2000 and 6000 MeV/c and polarimetry at LHE
1997 Taratin, A. M. Dechanneling of relativistic protons and nuclei in straight and bent crystals. Rechanneling role
1997   Polarized beams at the 10 GeV machine of JINR (Dubna) / [Auth.] : Yu. K. Pilipenko, P. A. Rukoyatkin, L. S. Zolin
1997   Expected conditions of the ANKE forward detector operation / [Auth.]: A. K. Kacharava, V. I. Komarov, A. V. Kulikov a.o
1997   Doublet resolution algorithm without reconstruction of the initial signal / [Auth.] : Yu. A. Panebratsev, E. I. Shahaliev, L. M. Soroko
1997 Pestov, I. B. Spin properties of four-dimensional space and confinement
1997 Sidorov, A. V. NNLO QCD analysis of CCFR data on xF3 structure function and Gross-Llewellyn Smith sum rule with higher twist and nuclear corrections
1997 Koshkarov, A. L. Dual symmetry in gauge theories
1997 Бештоев, Хамидби Мухамедович (кандидат физико-математических наук) Dynamical analogy of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrices (with С-violation) / Kh. M. Beshtoev
1997   Production of ion beams with the use of ECR ion sources / [Auth.] : J. Pivarc, A. N. Lebedev, J. Pivarc (jr.)
1997   Measurements of gamma-ray multiplicity spectra and the alpha value for 239Pu in groups and resolved resonances / [Auth.]: H. Faikov-Stanczyk, G. P. Georgiev, Yu. V. Grigoriev a. o
1997   The conditions of existence of first integrals and Hamiltonian structures of the Lotka - Volterra equations : Comment on some of the recent papers / [Auth.] : V. M. Dubovik, A. G. Galperin, V. S. Richvitsky, S. K. Slepnyov
1997 Селюгин, Олег Викторович (доктор физико-математических наук) Energy dependence of the Coulomb-nuclear interference at small momentum transfers
1997   Perturbative framework for the п+п- atom / [Auth.]: V. E. Lyubovitskij, E. Z. Lipartia, A. G. Rusetsky
1997   Transmutation of radioactive waste with the help of relativistic heavy ions / [Auth.] : R. Brandt, J.-S. Wan, M. Ochs et al
1997   Isotropic oscillator in the space of constant positive curvature. Interbasis expasions / [Auth.] : Ye. M. Hakobyan, G. S. Pogosyan, A. N. Sissakian, S. I. Vinitsky
1997 Plechko, V. N. Fermionic structure of two-dimensional Ising model with quenched site dilution
1997   Fission-evaporation competition in excited uranium and fermium nuclei / [Auth.]: R. N. Sagaidak, V. I. Chepigin, A. P. Kabachenko a. o
1997 Стороженко, А. Н. Lipkin - Meshkov -Glick model at finite temperature / A. N. Storozhenko, D. S. Kosov, A. I. Vdovin
1997   A superfiber for position sensitive detectors / [Auth.] : P. Antich, R. Parkey, E. Tsyganov, A. Zinchenko
1997 Krivonos, S. O. Extended N=2 sypersymmetric matrix (1,s)-KdV hierarchies
1997   Direct mode summation for the Casimir energy of a solid ball / [Auth.] : I. Brevik, V. V. Nesterenko, I. G. Pirozhenko
1997   The CDF intermediate muon upgrade trigger gain simulation / [Auth.] : S. R. Amendolia, J. Budagov, V. Glagolev, N. Turini
1997 Джолос, Ростислав Владимирович (доктор физико-математических наук ; род. 1942) Dynamic approach to fusion of massive nuclei : submitted to "Physical Review C" / R. V. Jolos, A. K. Nasirov, A. I. Muminov
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