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Дата Автор Заглавие
1994   Perturbative QCD-pomeron and high energy hadronic diffractive cross sections / V.V.Anisovich,L.G.Dakhno,V.A.Nikonov
1994 Anisovich, V. V. Search for glueballs
1993 Anisovich, V. V. Wide-angle quasielastic ep and pp scattering and colour transparency
1984 Anisovich, V. V. Multiparticle production at high energies and quark structure of hadrons. Hadron-nucleon and hadron-nucleus collisions
1994   Confined quarks and quark-hadron duality in meson physics / [Auth.]:V.V.Anisovich,B.Ch.Metsch,H.R.Petry,A.V.Sarantsev
1993   Соlour transparency in the deuteron / [Auth.]:V.V.Anisovich,L.G.Dakhno,M.M.Giannini
1984 Anisovich, V. V. Multiparticle production at hi gh energies and quark structure of hadrons. Comparison of quasinuclear quark model with fragmentation and recombination models and with dtu based approaches
1984 Anisovich, V. V. Colour-exotic constituent quarks and hadron spectroscopy
1984 Anisovich, V. V. Bootstrap procedure in the quasinuclear three flavour quark model
1986 Anisovich, V. V. Description of composite systems in the dispersion relation technique and the problem of contribution of non-nucleonic degrees of freedom to the emc-effect : Preprint 1223 October 1986
1994   Resonances in J/U - y (n+n-n+n-) / [Auth.]:V.V.Anisovich,D.V.Bugg,T.H.Burnett a.o
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