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   Запрос: a001="BY-SEK-152988"
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1995   Complete integrability for lagrangian dependent on acceleration in a space-time of constant curvature / V.V.Nesterenko,A.Feoli,G.Scarpetta
1993 Nesterenko, V. V. On squaring the primary constraints in a generalized Hamiltonian dynamics
1998 Nesterenko, V. V. Is the Casimir effect relevant to sonoluminescence?
1985 Nesterenko, V. V. On the derivation of the formula for the Hamiltonian functional integral in theories with the first- and second-class constraints : E2-85-597
1987 Nesterenko, V. V. The singular Lagrangians with higher derivatives : E2-87-9
1992 Nesterenko, V. V. On the model of the relativistic particle with curvature and torsion
1995 Lambiase, G. On instability of hadronic string with heavy quarks at its end
1984 Червяков, Александр Михайлович (физик) Some properties of constraints in theories with degenerate lagrangians
1985 Nesterenko, V. V. Calculation of the static interquark potential in the string model in the time-like gauge : E2-85-739
198? Nesterenko, V. V. On the radial motion of quarks bound by a string : E2-89-788
1996 Nesterenko, V. V. On the calculation of the interquark potential generated by a string with massive ends
1995 Lambiase, G. Quark mass correction to the string potential
1996   One-loop potential in the new string model with negative stiffness / [Auth.]:H.Kleinert,A.M.Chervyakov,V.V.Nesterenko
1997 Nesterenko, V. V. Justification of the zeta-function renormalization in rigid string model
1998 Nesterenko, V. V. Open rigid string with the Gauss-Bonnet term in action
1990 Nesterenko, V. V. Relativistic particle with the action dependent on the torsion of its world trajectory : E2-90-208
1997   Direct mode summation for the Casimir energy of a solid ball / [Auth.] : I. Brevik, V. V. Nesterenko, I. G. Pirozhenko
1989 Koshkarov, A. L. Open bosonic strings in a background isotropic electromagnetic field : E2-89-555
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