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Дата Автор Заглавие
2009   Masters of traditional Korean handicrafts / editor-in-chief: Lee Kyong-hee
2018 Kim Tae Joon Korean travel literature / Kim Tae Joon ; translated by Lee Kyong-hee
2006 Won Yu Han Money : traditional Korean society / Won Yu Han ; translated by Lee Kyong-hee
2012 Chung Seung-mo (нар. 1953) Korean genealogical records / Chung Seung-mo ; translated by Lee Kyong-hee
2009   Royal ceramics of Goryeo dynasty [Выяўленчы матэрыял] / [authors: Kim Young-Won [et al.] ; translated from the Korean: Lee Kyong-hee] ; National Museum of Korea
2009 Нацыянальны музей Карэі (Сеул) National Museum of Korea [Выяўленчы матэрыял] / [translation from the Korean: Lee Kyong-hee]
2005 Cho Dong-il Korean mask dance / Cho Dong-il ; translated by Lee Kyong-hee
2009   Modern Korean artists / editor-in-chief: Lee Kyong-hee
2010   Masterpieces of Korean art / [editor-in-chief: Lee Kyong-hee] ; The Korea Foundation
2010 Нацыянальны музей Карэі (Сеул) National Museum of Korea [Выяўленчы матэрыял] / [translation from the Korean: Lee Kyong-hee]
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