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2006 Bergedorf Round Table (133 ; 2006 ; Washington) Reforms in the Middle East : how can Europe and the US contribute? : 133rd Bergedorf Round Table, March 17-19, 2006, Washington / Bergedorfer Gesprächskreis ; [editor Thomas Weihe ; translations: Jonna Meyer-Sprasche]
2007 Bergedorf Round Table (135 ; 2006 ; Berlin) Interests and partners of German foreign policy : 135th Bergedorf Round Table, September 29 - October 1, 2006, Berlin / Bergedorfer Gesprächskreis ; [editor Thomas Weihe ; translations: Jonna Meyer-Spasche]
2006 Bergedorf Round Table (132; 2005; Dubai). Stability in the Persian Gulf : regional and transatlantic perspectives, 132nd Bergedorf protocol / [editor: Thomas Weihe] ; Bergedorf Round Table (December 2nd-4th, 2005, Dubai)
2005 The Bergedorf Round Table (129; 2004; Lviv). Frontiers and horizons of the EU : the new neighbors Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova / [editors]: Julia Steets, Horst Roedinger, Thomas Weihe ; 2004 ; Lviv
2007 Bergedorf Round Table (134 ; 2006 ; Odessa) The Black Sea between the EU and Russia : security, energy, democracy : 134th Bergedorf Round Table, June 23-25, 2006, Odessa / Bergedorfer Gesprächskreis ; [editor Thomas Weihe]
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