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2009 United Nations. World Bank Abolishing school fees in Africa : lessons from Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, and Mozambique / United Nations Children's Fund
2013   Multiple indicator cluster survey of the situation of children and women, 2012 : final report / National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus ; United Nations Chidren's Fund
1963 United Nations Children's Fund UNICEF news / United Nations Children's Fund
2016   Incheon Declaration and Framework for Action for the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 4
1967 United Nations Children's Fund Selections from the documents of the Conference on Children and youth in national planning and development in Asia : Bangkok, Thailand, 8-15 March 1966 : Vol. I - Policy and planning
2002   A rehabilitation centre for drug-addict young people returning to normal life / Youth Publ. Assoc. "Real World" with the support of the United Nations Children's Fund in Belarus ; [Comp.].: Y.Butyrin ; Transl. in Engl.: A.Piskunov
2012   A quarter of a century after the Chernobyl catastrophe : outcomes and prospects for the mitigation of consequences : national report of the Republic of Belarus : [published within the project "Enhancing Human Security in the Chernobyl Affected Areas of Belarus" which is implemented by joint efforts of the UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF, Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus / authors and reviewers: Vladimir A. Chernikov [et al.] ; Department for Mitigation of the Consequences of the Catastrophe at the Chernobyl NPP of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus
2013   Особенности паллиативной помощи различным возрастным категориям: новорожденым, детям и подросткам : [пособие / И. В. Пролесковская и др. ; Белорусский детский "Хоспис"]
2017   Международный опыт разработки и реализации национальной политики в области народонаселения и развития / Министерство труда и социальной защиты Республики Беларусь
2018 Калабихина, Ирина Евгеньевна (доктор экономических наук) Demographic ageing in the Republic of Belarus: challenges and new opportunities : prepared within the framework of the international technical assistance project "Support to the implementation of the National Programm of Demographic Security of the Republic of Belarus" funded by the Government of the Russian Federation, the United Nations Population Fund, and the United Nations Children's Fund : analytical report / I. Kalabikhina, N. Krasovskaya, N. Kalmykova ; Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus, National Implementing Agency
2005 United Nations Children's Fund Trafficking in human beings in South Eastern Europe : 2004 ― focus on prevention in: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Moldova, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro, the UN administered province of Kosovo / United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights ; Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights
2008 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Une approche de l'éducation pourtous fondée sur les droits de l'homme : cadre pour la réalisation du droit des enfants à l'éducation et de leurs droits au sein de l'éducation / Fonds des Nations Unies pour l'enfance
2010 United Nations Development Programme. Office in Belarus Situation of persons with disabilities in Belarus : [this publication is an output from the joint project of UNDP and the Government of Belarus "Assistance to Belarus in joining the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its implementation" with participation of the United Nations Children's Fund and the International Labour Organization / authors and contributors: H. Krot [et al.] ; national coordinator: Valiantsina Karaliova] ; Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus
2012 Girardi, Julia An overview of international experiences and best practices : in 5 countries: Austria, Ukraune, UK, Israel, Kazakhstan on selected aspects of addressing domestic violence / Julia Girardi ; United Nations Trust Fund to End Violence against Women ; United Nations Population Fund ; United Nations Children's Fund ; International Organization for Migration
1979   Assignment children : a journal concerned with children, women and youth in development / published by the United Nations Children's Fund
2003   Combating malnutrition : time to act / editors: Stuart Gillespie, Milla McLachlan, Roger Shrimpton ; United Nations Children's Fund
2007   Monitoring the situation of children and women [in Republic of Belarus] : multiple indicator cluster survey, 2005 : final report
1997 United Nations Children's Fund A school for children with rights : The significance of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child for modern education policy / [Auth.] : T. Hammarberg ; Intern. Child Development Centre
2000 United Nations Children's Fund The progress of nations, 2000
1990-2010 Fong Hua Persimmon [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : to benefit UNICEF : [паштоўка] / Fong Hua (China) ; United Nations Children's Fund
2018 United Nations. Population Fund Belarus: family structure, family relations, reproductive behavior : preliminary results of the research [within the framework of the] project "Support to the implementation of the national programme of demographic security of the Republic of Belarus" / [team of authors: M. Yu. Akulova [et al.] ; [edited by O. Tereshchenko] ; [reviewed by T. Emery] ; Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus ; Government of the Russian Federation ; United Nations Children's Fund
2008 United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe Assessment of capacity for countries of Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia to produce MDG-relevant statistics / United Nations Children's Fund ; United Nations Development Programme
1996 United Nations Children's Fund Children and wowen of Belarus : Today and tomorrow:A situation analysis of children and women,1995 / United Nations Children's Fund
1995 United Nations Children's Fund Children and women of Belarus : Today and tomorrow: A situation analysis of children and women,1995 / [Prep.]:I.Chutkova,G.Gasyuk,V.Ladyshenko a.o. / United Nations Children's Fund
2011 United Nations Development Programme. Office in Belarus Evaluation of the mother to child HIV transmission prevention programme in the Republic of Belarus : report / I. V. Semenenko, A. N. Abtazhei, A. N. Barsukov ; [translator: A. Piskunov] ; Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus ; United Nations Children's Fund ; The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
1996 United Nations. World Bank Counting the full cost : parental and community financing of education in East Asia / Mark Bray ; United Nations Children's Fund
1985-2000 Jenkin-Pearce, Susie (мастак) It was the night before Christmas [Выяўленчы матэрыял] = C'était la nuit de Noël : [паштоўка / мастак] Susie Jenkin-Pearce ; UNICEF
1967 United Nations Children's Fund Selections from the documents of the Conference on Children and youth in national planning and development in Asia : Bangkok, Thailand, 8-15 March 1966 : Vol. III - country papers
1967 United Nations Children's Fund Selections from the documents of the Conference on Children and youth in national planning and development in Asia : Bangkok, Thailand, 8-15 March 1966 : Vol. II - Problems of children and youth
1999 United Nations Children's Fund UNICEF annual report, 1999
1986 United Nations Children's Fund The children and the nations : the story of Unicef / Maggie Black ; with forewords by Peter Ustinov and Sir Robert Jackson
2013   Формуляр основных лекарственных средств для оказания паллиативной помощи детям / [под редакцией Н. Н. Саввы, И. В. Пролесковской ; Белорусский детский хоспис, UNICEF]
1988   A UNICEF policy review / United Nations Children's Fund
2003 Организация Объединенных Наций. Детский фонд Нестандартное спортивное оборудование
1997 United Nations. World Health Organization Introduction
2010 Кузнецова, Лилия Федоровна (начальное образование) Здоровый образ жизни: жизненные навыки : пособие для педагогов к факультативным занятиям в 5-м классе общеобразовательных учреждений / Л. Ф. Кузнецова ; под научной редакцией Н. Н. Яковлевой ; Министерство образования Республики Беларусь
2014 United Nations Children's Fund UNICEF in Belarus: children in focus
2016 United Nations Children's Fund Adolescent living with HIV : developing and strengthening care and support services / [written by Magda Conway and Amanda Ely] ; commissioned by the UNICEF Regional Office for Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States
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