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2001 United Nations Environment Programme. International Environmental Technology Centre Trenchless technology systems : An environmentally sound approach for underground services: An introductory guide for decision-makers / UNEP Div. of Technology, Industry and Econ., Intern. Soc. for Trenchless Technology
2005 Организация Объединенных Наций Geneva Green Guide : the Geneva Environment Network's practical guide to Geneva-based global organizations working on the environment and sustainable development / Environment Programme
2000 United Nations Environment Programme. International Environmental Technology Centre Workshop on Sustainable Wastewater and Stormwater management: Regional Workshop for the Latin America and the Caribbean, Rio de Janeiro, 27-31 March 2000 : Proceedings / Div. of Technology, Industry and Economics ; With collab. ABES-Rio, ROLAC and the World Bank
2003 United Nations Environment Programme Geneva green guide : The Geneva environment network's practical guide to Geneva-based global organizations working on the environment and sustainable development / Swiss Agency for the Environment Forests and Lanscape
1982 Организация Объединенных Наций. Программа по окружающей среде Ежегодный обзор, 1978 : перевод с английского
1999 United Nations Environment Programme Report on new projects, 1999
1999 United Nations Environment Programme. International Environmental Technology Centre International Symposium on Efficient Water Use in Urban Areas - Innovative Ways of Finding Water for Cities, 8-10 June 1999, Kobe, Japan : Proceedings / Co-organised by Environment Agency, Gov. of Japan, Global Environment Centre Found. (GEC), Intern. Lake Environment Comm. Found. (ILEC)
2003 Организация Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры Cultural diversity and biodiversity for sustainable development : A jointly convened UNESCO and UNEP high-level Roundtable held on 3 Sept. 2002 in Johannesburg, South Africa during the World Summit on Sustainable Development / United Nations Environment Programme
2001 United Nations Environment Programme Reporting and review institutions in 10 multilateral environmental agreements / By Kal Raustiala
2000 United Nations Environment Programme. International Environmental Technology Centre Planning and management of lakes and reservoirs, an integrated approach to eutrophication
2000 United Nations Environment Programme. Division of Technology, Industry and Economics Cleaner production assessment in meat processing : Industrial sector guide / Prep.: COWI Consulting Eng. a. Planners AS, Denmark ; Danish Environmental Protection Agency
2000 United Nations Environment Programme. Division of Technology, Industry and Economics TransAPELL : Guidance for dangerous goods transport emergency planning in a local community
2000 United Nations Environment Programme. International Environmental Technology Centre Planning and management of lakes and reservoirs: an integrated approach to eutrophication : A students guide UNEP-IETC
2002 United Nations Environment Programme. International Environmental Technology Centre International Symposium on Building Partnership between Citizens and Local Governments for Sustainable Lake Management, 8-9 November 2001, Kusatsu City, Shiga Prefecture, Japan : Proceedings / Organized by UNEP Intern. Environmental Technology Centre (UNEP-IETC), Shiga Prefectural Gov., Intern. Lake Environment Comm. Found. (ILEC)
2000 United Nations. [Department of Economic and Social Affairs] Improving governments' role in the promotion of environmental managerial accounting : An initiative of the United Nations Division for Sustainable development: First meeting, Washington, 30-31 Aug. 1999 / U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Environmental Accounting Project, United Nations Environment Programme etc
2001 Naciones Unidas. Programa de Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente. El Centro Internacional de Tecnologia Ambiental. Planificacion y manejo de lagos y embalses: una vision integral de la eutroficacion : Version abreviada - guia para el alumno / Div. de Tecnologia, Industria y Economia
2004 United Nations. Environment Programme. The Convention on Biological Diversity from conception to implementation : historical perspectives on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the entry into force of the Convention on Biological Diversity
2004 Организация Объединенных Наций. Программа по окружающей среде GEO, 2003 : Ежегодник ГЭП / [Ред.]: Сильвия Хоу
2000 United Nations Environment Programme. Division of Technology, Industry and Economics Cleaner production assessment in fish processing : Industrial sector guide / Prep. by COWI Consulting Eng. a. Planners AS, Denmark ; Danish Environmental Protection Agency
2001 United Nations Environment Programme. International Environmental Technology Centre International consultation on the transfer and implementation of environmentally sound technologies for water quality management in the Mekong River basin : Regional consultation with stakeholders to identify needs and actions, 14-16 Nov. 2000, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 20 Nov. 2000, Bangkok, Thailand / Co-organised by the Mekong Rivetr Commiss. ; Supported by Econ. a. Social Commiss. for Asia and the Pacific, UNEP regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
2002 United Nations Environment Programme Environment in print, 2002/3 : UNEP publications catalogue
2003 ООН. Межправительственная группа экспертов по изменению климата. Изменение климата, 2001 г. : Обобщ. доклад / Ред.: Роберт Т.Уотсон ; Всемир. метеоролог. организация
1989 Council of Europe Nature tomorrow : Papers pres. at the Council of Europe Round table held at the UNEP special exib. at the Comptoir Suisse, Lausanne, Sept. 1987
2003   Biological diversity of Belarusian bog mires / [Text]: G.F.Rykovskiy, I.V.Bernyakovich, A.A.Goldenkov ; Transl.: P.Dobrusov ; Min. of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Rep. of Belarus ; The Global Environment Facility, UN Environment Programme ; Belarus. Publ. Assoc. "Ecological Initiative"
2002 UNESCO. United Nations Environment Programme. Youth x change : The guide
2000 United Nations. Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Statistics Division Integrated environmental and economic accounting : An operational manual: Handbook of national accounting
2001 United Nations Environment Programme. Division of Technology, Industry and Economics APELL for mining : Guidance for the mining industry in raising Awareness and Preparedness for Emergencies at Local Level
2004 United Nations. Environment Programme. Desk study on the environment in Liberia
2000 United Nations Environment Programme Earth and faith : A book of reflection for action / Interfaith Partnership for the Environment ; Co-ed.: John T.Brinkman, Kusumita P.Pedersen ; Ed.: Libby Bassett
2002 United Nations Environment Programme Africa environment outlook : Past, present and future perspectives / African Min. Conf. on the Environment (AMCEN)
1999 United Nations Environment Programme Global environment outlook 2000 (GEO-2000) : UNEP's millennium report on the environment
1982 Организация Объединенных Наций. Программа по окружающей среде Ежегодный обзор, 1979 : перевод с английского
2000 United Nations Environment Programme Report on new projects, 2000
1999 Central European Initiative. Towards sustainable transport in the CEI countries : About the CEI Min. Declaration "Towards Sustainable Transport in the CEI Countries", Joint Pilot Study on Environmentally Sustainable Transport in the CEI Countries in Transition, CEI SubGroup "Environment and Transport", May 1999, Vienna / [Publ.]: Austr. Federal Min. for Environment, Youth and Family ; Organisation for Econ. Co-operation and Development ; UNEP
2001 Организация Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры Biological diversity for secondary education : Environmental education module / Ben Peyton, Henry Campa, Scott R.Winterstein et al
1999 United Nations Environment Programme. United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat) The Kosovo conflict : Consequences for the environment & human settlements / Ed.: Tim Jones
1998 United Nations Environment Programme Industry, fresh water and sustainable development / Rep.: Albert Fry ; World Business Council for Sustainable Development
2000 United Nations Environment Programme UNEP Sasakawa Environment Prize, 2001 / The Nippon Found
2004 Организация Объединенных Наций. Программа по окружающей среде Стойкие токсичные вещества, безопасность питания и коренные народы российского Севера : резюме заключительного отчета / Глобальный экологический фонд ; Программа арктического мониторинга и оценки ; Ассоциация коренных малочисленных народов Севера, Сибири и Дальнего Востока Российской Федерации
2000 United Nations Environment Programme. Division of Technology, Industry and Economics Cleaner production assessment in dairy processing : Industrial sector guide / Prep. by COWI Consulting Eng. a. Planners AS, Denmark ; Danish Environmental Protection Agency
1995 United Nations Environment Programme Scanning the global environment : A framework and methodology for integrated environmental reporting and assessment / Nat. Inst. of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Bilthoven, The Netherlands etc. ; Ed.: R.J.Swart, J.Bakkes, L.Niessen, J.Rotmans, H.J.M.de Vries, R.Weterings
2000 United Nations Environment Programme. International Environmental Technology Centre Technical workbook on environmental management tools for decision analysis : Technical reference and workbook
2002 United Nations. Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean. United Nations Environment Programme The sustainability of development in Latin America and the Caribbean: challenges and opportunities / UNEP Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean
2000 United Nations Environment Programme Annual evaluation report, 1999 : Evaluation and oversight unit
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