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2000 United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe. Food and Agriculture Organization Forest resources of Europe, CIS, North America, Australia, Japan and New Zealand (industrialized temperate/boreal countries) : UN-ECE/FAO contribution to the global forest resources assessment 2000: Main report / Timber Section
2005 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO/Keizo Obuchi Research Fellowships Programme in 2002 : results achieved / [prepared by Ali Zaid and Leila Zas Friz]
2000 Ким, Ольга Леонидовна Социокультурные факторы политического лидерства (на примере России и Японии) : Автореф. дис. на соиск. учен. степ. канд. полит. наук : 23.00.02 ; Моск. гос. ун-т им. М.В.Ломоносова
2006 Свердлова, Тетяна Геннадіївна Теоретичні засади процесу гуманізації освіти в Японії : автореферат дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата педагогічних наук : 13.00.01 / Свердлова Тетяна Геннадіївна ; Національний педагогічний університет ім. М. П. Драгоманова
2003   Japan's official development assistance : White paper, 2001 / Econ. Coop. Bureau. Min. of Foreign Affairs
2003   Dictionary of the modern politics of Japan / Comp.: J.A.A.Stockwin
2002   Paedagogische Interaktion und interkulturelles Lernen im Deutschunterricht / Hrsg.: Shinji Nakagawa et al
2002   Encyclopedia of Japanese business and management / Ed.: Allan Bird
1994 Richie, Donald (журналіст ; 1924—2013) Introducing Japan / Text by Donald Richie ; Forew.: E.O.Reischauer
2001   Japan trade directory, 2001-2002 / Publ.: Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)
1932 Весялоўскі, Н. Японія і яе ўзброеныя сілы / Н.Весялоўскі ; Пер. з рус. мовы М.Нікалаевіча
1932 Алег (аўтар выдання) Ваенна-эканамічная структура Японіі / Алег
1945 Сталін, Іосіф Вісарыёнавіч (дзяржаўны дзеяч ; 1879—1953) Зварот таварыша I. В. Сталіна да народа
2006   Messages from Moscow artists : [catalogue was published on the occassion of the exhibition, 4 July - 20 August, 2006, Helios Fukuno Creative Cultural Center] / Committee of Japan Russia Cultural Forum ; Chekhov International Theatre Festival ; Moscow State Exhibition Hall Novy Manege [etc.] ; [translation: Maria Shestakova]
2006   Inside out : a mini encyclopedia of contemporary Japanese culture / [editors: Junosuke Imaizumi, Timothy N. Hornyak]
1989 Watt, Donald Cameron How war came : The immediate origins of the Second World War, 1938-1939 / Donald Cameron Watt
1962 Wohlstetter, Roberta Pearl Harbor : Warning and decision / Roberta Wohlstetter
1992 Trinh, Sylvaine Il n'y a pas de modele japonais / Sylvaine Trinh
2005   Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress of Japan / Ministry of foreign affairs [of Japan]
1994   Belarus-Japan Symposium "Acute and late consequences of nuclear catastrophes: Hiroshima-Nagasaki and Chernobyl", October 3―5, 1994, Minsk : proceedings / Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Institute of Radiobiology ; Citizen's Nuclear Information Center, Japan
2001 Seeleib-Kaiser, Martin Globalisierung und Sozialpolitik : Ein Vergleich der Diskurse und Wohlfahrtssysteme in Deutschland, Japan und den USA / Martin Seeleib-Kaiser
2007   White paper on science and technology, 2007 : results of promotion of science and technology : creation, utilization and succession of knowledge
2002 Организация Объединенных Наций. Научно-исследовательский институт социального развития A declining technocratic regime : Bureaucracy, polit. parties and interest groups in Japan, 1950-2000 / Toshihiro Nakamura
1999   Theatre year-book, 1999 : Theatre in Japan / Jap. center of Intern. Theatre Inst
2002   The japan book
2004   Japan in figures, 2005
2005   A history of Taiwan in comics / [editor Robin J. Winkler]. — [Vol.] 8: The Japanese era (II) : the age of awakening
2006   Hibino expo, 2005 : [Hibino Katsuhiko's one-man expo]
2007   Japanese working life profile, 2006/2007 : labor statistics / The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training
1997 McCarthy, Helen The anime! : movie guide / Helen McCarthy
2007   Japan and the UN in international politics : historical perspectives / edited by Asahiko Hanzawa
2007 Tamura, Shigeru Local politicians in Japan / Tamura Shigeru
2006 The Japan Foundation Annual report, 2005 : year ended March 31, 2006
2007 Lindau, Rudolf Gesammelte Schriften / Rudolf Lindau ; mit einer Einleitung herausgegeben von Rainer Hillenbrand. — Bd. 8: Die Preußische Garde im Feldzuge, 1870-71 ; Aus China und Japan
2006   Sources of Japanese tradition / compiled by Theodore de Bary [et al.] ; with collaboration of William Bodiford, Jurgis Elisonas and Philip Yampolsky ; and contributions by Yoshiko Dykstra. — Vol. 2: 1600 to 2000, abridged. Pt. 1 : 1600 to 1868
2006   Sources of Japanese tradition / compiled by Theodore de Bary [et al.] ; with collaboration of William Bodiford, Jurgis Elisonas and Philip Yampolsky ; and contributions by Yoshiko Dykstra. — Vol. 2: 1600 to 2000, abridged. Pt. 2 : 1868 to 2000
2003 Gordon, Andrew A modern history of Japan from Tokugawa times to the present / Andrew Gordon
1997   Беларусь ― Расія ― Японія = Беларусь ― Россия ― Япония : матэрыялы першых Астравецкіх краязнаўчых чытанняў, прысвечаных памяці Іосіфа Гашкевіча / [рэдактары: Г. Брэгер, А. Мальдзіс (галоўны рэдактар), Д. Чарнышэвіч]
2000 United Nations. Conference on Trade and Development ATAS XII: Advanced Technology Assessment System : The role of publicly funded research and publicly owned technologies in the transfer and diffusion of environmentally sound technologies
1934 Polonius. La defense du Japon : Pour eclairer l'opinion publique fr. sur les problemes d'Extreme-Orient / Polonius ; Pref.: Albert Garenne
1934 Grande, Julian Japan's place in the world / Julian Grande
1933   L'invasion et l'occupation de la Mandchourie jugees a la lumiere de la Doctrine Catholique par les ecrits du Cardinal Mercier / publies par dom P[ierre] C[elestin] Lou Tseng-Tsiang
2008   An overview of the Nanjing debate : reprints of articles from "Japan Echo", 1998 to 2007 with new commentaries / [editor-in-chief: Shiraishi Takashi]
2007   White paper on science and technology (2007―2010) : innovative capabilities and citizens' quality of life will reach the level of a developed nation by 2015 : approved by the 3,024th Meeting of the Executive Yuan, January 17, 2007
2008   Facts and figures of Japan, 2008 : [2008 special feature : environment Japan and Africa] / published by the Foreign Press Center Japan
2008   Population of Japan, 2005 : overview of the results of the 2005 population census / Japan, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Statistics Bureau
2008 Inazō Nitobe (1862—1933) Bushido : the soul of Japan : [a classic essay on Samurai ethics] / Inazō Nitobe
2010 Abe, Aya K. The changing shape of the care diamond : the case of child and elderly care in Japan / Aya K. Abe ; United Nations Development Programme
2008 Куровски, Франц (1923—2011) So war der 2. Weltkrieg. 1943 : [die Wende] / Franz Kurowski
1921 Кейзерлинг, Герман фон (философ ; 1880—1946) Das Reisetagebuch eines Philosophen / Graf Hermann Keyserling. — Bd. 2
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