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Дата Автор Заглавие
1995 United Nations. World Bank Trade laws and institutions : good practices and the World Trade Organization / Bernard M. Hoekman
1998 United Nations. World Bank Annual World Bank Conference on Development in Latin America and the Caribbean, 1997 : trade: towards open regionalism : proceedings of a conference held in Montevideo, Uruguay / edited by Shahid Javed Burki, Guillermo E. Perry, Sara Calvo
2020 United Nations. Conference on Trade and Development Key statistics and trends in trade policy, 2019 : retaliatory tariffs between the United States and China
1831 Pöhls, Meno (1798―1849) Darstellung des gemeinen deutschen und des Hamburgischen Handelsrechts für Juristen und Kaufleute : [in 4 Bänden] / Meno Pöhls. — Bd. 3: Seerecht. T. 2
2016   Гісторыя гандлю на тэрыторыі Беларусі : зборнік навуковых артыкулаў / Нацыянальная акадэмія навук Беларусі, Інстытут гісторыі ; [укладальнік А. А. Скеп'ян ; рэдкалегія: А. А. Каваленя (старшыня) і інш.]
2018 Bongchul Kim Lectures on Korean FTA (free trade agreement) and law / Bongchul Kim, Ho Kim
2015 United Nations. Conference on Trade and Development The 2013 World Trade Organization Agreement on Trade Facilitation: Israel's obligations towards Palestinian Trade
2012 World Trade Organization WTO dispute settlement : one-page case summaries, 1995―2011
2001 United Nations. World Bank Integration of transport and trade facilitation : selected regional case studies / T. R. Lakshmanan [et al.]
2001 United Nations. World Bank Free trade area membership as a stepping stone to development : the case of ASEAN / Emiko Fukase, Will Martin
2017   The internationalization of government procurement regulation / edited by Aris Georgopoulos, Bernard Hoekman, Petros C. Mavroidis
2017 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Culture in treaties and agreements : implementing the 2005 Convention in Bilateral and Regional Trade Agreements / Véronique Guèvremont and Ivana Otašević
2016 Wilder, Jan Antoni Traktat handlowy polsko-pruski z roky 1775 : gospodarcze znaczenie utraty dostępu do morza / Jan Antoni Wilder
2006 United Nations. World Bank Challenges of CAFTA : maximizing the benefits for Central America / Carlos Felipe Jaramillo [et al.]
2011 World Trade Organization Trade policy review, 2011 : Australia
1934   Arbitration between the United States and Sweden under special agreement of December 17, 1930 : the "Kronprins Gustaf Adolf" and the "Pacific" / The Department of State. — Vol. 5: Oral arguments, Washington, May 9 ― June 2, 1932. Vol. 2
2017 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization La culture dans les traités et les accords : la mise en oeuvre de la Convention de 2005 dans les accords commerciaux bilatéraux et régionaux / Véronique Guèvremont et Ivana Otašević
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