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Дата Автор Заглавие
2002 Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe. Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights Monitoring places of detention : a practical guide for NGOs / Association for the Prevention of Torture
1990 Council of Europe European Convention on the Recognition of the Legal Personality of International Non-Governmental Organisations, 24.IV.1986, Strasbourg = Convention europeenne sur la reconnaissance de la personnalite juridique des organisations internationales non gouvernementales, 24.IV.1986, Strasbourg
2006   Уніфікація норм міжнародного приватного права в рамках Гаазької конференції : Автореферат дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата юридичних наук : 12.00.03 / Попко Вадим Вікторович ; Киівський національний університет ім. Т.Шевченка
1948 Ассоциация международного права Report of the Forty-First Conference, held at Cambridge in the Old Schools, August 19th to 24th, 1946
1955 Ассоциация международного права Report of the Forty-Sixth Conference, held at Edinburgh, August 8th to 14th, 1954
1982 Ассоциация международного права Report of the Fifty-Ninth Conference held at Belgrade, August 17th, 1980, to August 23rd, 1980
1925 Ассоциация международного права Report of the Thirty-Third Conference, held at the Riddarhuset and at the Riksdaghuset, Stockholm, September 8th to 13th, 1924
2017   Yearbook of international organizations, 2017―2018 : guide to global civil society networks / edited by the Union of International Associations. — Vol. 1A: Organization descriptions and cross-references : (A to Ins)
2015 Mitzner, Piotr Memoriał : droga do Rosji / Piotr Mitzner
2005 Кирьянов, Валерий Александрович Северный Форум - международная неправительственная организация: опты создания и деятельности (1991 - 2005 гг.) : автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени кандидата исторических наук : 07.00.15 / Кирьянов Валерий Александрович ; Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет
2001   The Europa world year book, 2001 / Ed.: J.Maher. — Vol. 1: International organizations. Afghanistan - Jordan
1963 Ассоциация международного права Report of the Fiftieth Conference held at Brussels, August 19th to August 26th, 1962
1933   Jugoslavenski Rotar
2015   Yearbook of international organizations, 2015―2016 : guide to global civil society networks / edited by Union of International Associations. — Vol. 4: International organization : bibliography and resources
2006   Yearbook of international organizations, 2006―2007 : guide to global and civil society networks / edited by Union of International Associations. — Vol. 3: Subject volume : global action networks : classified directory and index
1965 Ус, Александра Павловна (журналист ; около 1911—1997) Международной демократической федерации женщин - 20 лет : Материал в помощь лектору / А.П.Ус ; Правление о-ва "Знание" Белорус. ССР
1976 Ассоциация международного права Report of the Fifty-Sixth Conference held at New Delhi, Decemder 29th, 1974, to January 4th, 1975
2001 United Nations. World Bank Attacking extreme poverty : learning from the experience of the International Movement ATD Fourth World / edited by Quentin Wodon
2000 Міжнародны фонд сельскагаспадарчага развіцця IFAD and NGOs dynamic partnerships to fight rural poverty
1987 Koblischke, Heinz Abkürzungslexikon internationaler Organisationen und Institutionen : [mehr als 6000 Stichwörter] / Heinz Koblischke
2017 Boulanger, Philippe L'Alliance française : francophonie et diplomatie culturelle au XXIe siècle / Philippe Boulanger
2017   Yearbook of international organizations, 2017―2018 : guide to global civil society networks / edited by the Union of International Associations. — Vol. 1B: Organization descriptions and cross-references : (Int to Z)
2018   The Europa world year book, 2018 / [publisher: Juliet Love]. — Vol. 1: International organizations ; Afghanistan―Equatorial Guinea
2018 World Justice Project Rule of law index, 2017―2018 / [contributing experts from Belarus: Kirill Tomashevski [et al.]
2006   Yearbook of international organizations, 2006―2007 : guide to global and civil society networks / edited by Union of International Associations. — Vol. 2: Geographic volume : international organization participation : country directory of secretariats and membership
2006   Yearbook of international organizations, 2006―2007 : guide to global and civil society networks / edited by Union of International Associations. — Vol. 1B: Organization descriptions and cross-references : (Int to Z)
2006   114th IPU Assambly : Summary Records of the Proceedings (Nairobi (Kenya) 7-12 May 2006)
1936 Rotary International. Distrikt (77). Konferencija (4 ; 1936 ; Dubrovnik) Rotary international : ćetvrta konferencija 77 distrikta
2014   Czech yearbook of international law / editors: Alexander J. Bělohlávek, Naděžda Rozehnalová, Filip Černý. — Vol. 5: The role of governmental and non-governmental organizations in the 21st century
2015   The Europa world year book, 2015 / [senior editor: Juliet Love]. — Vol. 1: International organizations ; Afghanistan―Equatorial Guinea
1975 Ассоциация международного права Index of the reports of conferences (1873―1972)
1948 Ассоциация международного права Report of the Forty-Second Conference, held at Prague in the Charles University, September 1st to September 5th, 1947
1950 Ассоциация международного права Report of the Forty-Third Conference, held at Brussels in the Brussels University, August 29th to September 4th, 1948
1996 Ассоциация международного права Report of the Sixty-Seventh Conference held at Helsinki, Finland, 12 to 17 August 1996 / [editors: James Crawford, Michael Byers]
2015   Yearbook of international organizations, 2015―2016 : guide to global civil society networks / edited by Union of International Associations. — Vol. 1A: Organization descriptions and cross-references : (A to Ins)
2015   Yearbook of international organizations, 2015―2016 : guide to global civil society networks / edited by Union of International Associations. — Vol. 1B: Organization descriptions and cross-references : (Int to Z)
2015   Yearbook of international organizations, 2015―2016 : guide to global civil society networks / edited by Union of International Associations. — Vol. 5: Statistics, visualizations and patterns
2015   Attacks on the press, 2015 edition : journalism on the world's front lines / [edited by Alan Huffman] ; Committee to Protect Journalists
1927 Ассоциация международного права Report of the Thirty-Fourth Conference held at the Imperial Palace and at the Chamber of Commerce, Vienna, August 5th to August 11th, 1926
2019 Міжнародная федэрацыя бібліятэчных асацыяцый і ўстаноў IFLA annual report, 2018
2017   Yearbook of international organizations, 2017―2018 : guide to global civil society networks / edited by the Union of International Associations. — Vol. 6: Who's who in international organizations
1929 Ассоциация международного права Report of the Thirty-Fifth Conference held at Warsaw, August 9th to 16th, 1928
2005 Организация Объединенных Наций. Научно-исследовательский институт социального развития Civil society in United Nations conferences : a literature review / Constanza Tabbush
2003   The Europa world year book, 2003 / Ed.: Joanne Maher. — Vol. 1: International organizations ; Afghanistan―Jordan
2009 "Equality Now", міжнародная арганізацыя (Нью-Йорк) Annual report, 2009
1996   Narysuj mi prawa człowieka [Выяўленчы матэрыял] / [realizacja projektu: Anna Bednarek]
1988 Ассоциация международного права Report of the Sixty-Third Conference held at Warsaw, August 21st to August 27th, 1988
1978 Ассоциация международного права Report of the Fifty-Seventh Conference held at Madrid, August 30th, 1976, to September 4th, 1976
2015   Yearbook of international organizations, 2015―2016 : guide to global civil society networks / edited by Union of International Associations. — Vol. 2: Geographical index : a country directory of secretariats and memberships
2015   Yearbook of international organizations, 2015―2016 : guide to global civil society networks / edited by Union of International Associations. — Vol. 3: Global action networks : a subject directory and index
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