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2009 United States. Congress (110). Session (1). House of Representatives United States statutes at large, 2007 : containing the laws and concurrent resolutions enacted during the first session of the one hundred tenth Congress of the United States of America and proclamations. — Vol. 121, pt. 2: Public laws 110―115 through 110―180
1804   Новый памятник или словарь из Уложения царя Алексея Михайловича : Сочиненный по азбучному порядку, для удобнейшаго приискания материй в сем фундаментальном узаконении Российском: Необходимо нужный для всех имеющих судныя дела
2003 Кутафин, Олег Емельянович (доктор юридических наук ; 1937—2008) Судебная власть в России : История. Документы : В 6 т. / О.Е.Кутафин, В.М.Лебедев, Г.Ю.Семигин ; [Нац. обществ.-науч. фонд, Ин-т развития права и судеб. практики]. — [Т.] 3: От Свода законов к судебной реформе 1864 г
2007 United States. Congress (109). Session (2). United States statutes at large, 2006 : containing the laws and concurrent resolutions enacted during the first session of the one hundred ninth congress of the United States of America and proclamations. — Vol. 120, pt. 1: Public laws 109—170 through 109—172 and public laws 109—174 through 109—288
2007 United States. Congress (109). Session (2). United States statutes at large, 2006 : containing the laws and concurrent resolutions enacted during the first session of the one hundred ninth congress of the United States of America and proclamations. — Vol. 120, pt. 2: Public laws 109—289 through 109—364
1880   Svod zákonův slovanských = Свод законов славянских / zpořádal Hermenegild Jireček
2012 United States. Congress (111) United States statutes at large, 2010 : containing the laws and concurrent resolutions enacted during the second session of the One Hundred Eleventh Congress of the United States of America and proclamations : in four parts. — Vol. 124, pt. 2: Public laws 111—162 through 111—210
2012 United States. Congress (111) United States statutes at large, 2010 : containing the laws and concurrent resolutions enacted during the second session of the One Hundred Eleventh Congress of the United States of America and proclamations : in four parts. — Vol. 124, pt. 3: Public laws 111—211 through 111—317
2012 United States. Congress (111) United States statutes at large, 2010 : containing the laws and concurrent resolutions enacted during the second session of the One Hundred Eleventh Congress of the United States of America and proclamations : in four parts. — Vol. 124, pt. 4: Public laws 111—318 through 111—383
2005 Екатерина II (императрица российская ; 1729—1796) Наказ императрицы Екатерины ІІ, данный Комиссии о сочинении проекта нового Уложения / под редакцией [и с предисловием, с. I-CLIV], Н.Д.Чечулина
2005 United States. Congress (108). Session (2). United States statutes at large, 2004 : containing the laws and concurrent resolutions enacted during the second session of the one hundred eighth Congress of the United States of America and proclamations. — Vol. 118. Pt. 4: Public laws 108-448 through 108-498 : in four parts
2007 United States. Congress (109). Session (2). United States statutes at large, 2006 : containing the laws and concurrent resolutions enacted during the first session of the one hundred ninth congress of the United States of America and proclamations. — Vol. 120, pt. 3: Public laws 109—365 through 109—482
2012 United States. Congress (111) United States statutes at large, 2010 : containing the laws and concurrent resolutions enacted during the second session of the One Hundred Eleventh Congress of the United States of America and proclamations : in four parts. — Vol. 124, pt. 1: Public laws 111—126, 111—127, 111—136, and 111—138 through 111—161
1826   Историческое обозрение Российского законоположения : С присовокуплением сведений:І)О старинных московских приказах,существовавших до времен Петра Великого; II)О старинных чинах в России; III)О преждебывших в Малороссии присутственных местах и чинах
2006 Белявский, Л. А. Уложение о наказаниях уголовных и исправительных в толковании юристов / Л.А.Белявский и А.Л.Рубиновский
2005 United States. Congress (108). Session (2). United States statutes at large, 2004 : containing the laws and concurrent resolutions enacted during the second session of the one hundred eighth Congress of the United States of America and proclamations. — Vol. 118. Pt. 2: Public laws 108-309 through 108-406 : in four parts
2010 United States. Congress (110). Session (2) United States statutes at large, 2008 : containing the laws and concurrent resolutions enacted during the second session of the One Hundred Tenth Congress of the United States of America and proclamations. — Vol. 122, pt. 1: Public laws 110―181 through 110―235
2013 United States. Congress (112) United States statutes at large, 2011 : containing the laws and concurrent resolutions enacted during the first session of the One Hundred Twelfth Congress of the United States of America and proclamations : in two parts. — Vol. 125, pt. 1: Public laws 112―1 through 112―75
1524   Statuta serenissimi domini Sigismundi Primi Polonie Regis et Magni Ducis Lithuanie : In conventibus generalibus edita et promulgata
2005 United States. Congress (108). Session (2). United States statutes at large, 2004 : containing the laws and concurrent resolutions enacted during the second session of the one hundred eighth Congress of the United States of America and proclamations. — Vol. 118. Pt. 3: Public laws 108-407 through 108-447 : in four parts
2010 United States. Congress (110). Session (2) United States statutes at large, 2008 : containing the laws and concurrent resolutions enacted during the second session of the One Hundred Tenth Congress of the United States of America and proclamations. — Vol. 122, pt. 2: Public laws 110―236 through 110―290
2005 United States. Congress (108). Session (2). United States statutes at large, 2004 : containing the laws and concurrent resolutions enacted during the second session of the one hundred eighth Congress of the United States of America and proclamations. — Vol. 118. Pt. 1: Public laws 108-199 through 108-308 : in four parts
2009 United States. Congress (110). Session (1). House of Representatives United States statutes at large, 2007 : containing the laws and concurrent resolutions enacted during the first session of the one hundred tenth Congress of the United States of America and proclamations. — Vol. 121, pt. 1: Public laws 110―1 through 110―114
2010 United States. Congress (110). Session (2) United States statutes at large, 2008 : containing the laws and concurrent resolutions enacted during the second session of the One Hundred Tenth Congress of the United States of America and proclamations. — Vol. 122, pt. 3: Public laws 110―291 through 110―389
2010 United States. Congress (110). Session (2) United States statutes at large, 2008 : containing the laws and concurrent resolutions enacted during the second session of the One Hundred Tenth Congress of the United States of America and proclamations. — Vol. 122, pt. 4: Public laws 110―390 through 110―460
2013 United States. Congress (112) United States statutes at large, 2011 : containing the laws and concurrent resolutions enacted during the first session of the One Hundred Twelfth Congress of the United States of America and proclamations : in two parts. — Vol. 125, pt. 2: Public laws 112―76 through 112―90
2002   Lietuvos statutas, 1529 = The statute of Lithuania, 1529 = Statuta Lituaniae, 1529 / [translated into English and edited by Karl von Loewe] ; [translated into Lithuanian by Edvardas Gudavičius] ; [accompanying English texts edited by Joseph Everatt]
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