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Дата Автор Заглавие
2000 UNESCO. World Heritage Committee. Session (24 ; 2000 ; Cairns) Report
2005 UNESCO. World Heritage Centre. World heritage information kit
1998   The cultural heritage in Sweden : preserving the past for posterity / [Kari Tarkiainen [et al.] ; Svenska Institutet
2003   Latvija - the green paradise of Europe / [texts by Pēteris Apinis, Ginta Poriete ; English translation: Henrijs Rūsis]
1989 Council of Europe European campaign for the countryside : Conclusions and declarations
2001   Bezpieczenstwo dobr kultury : nowe idee i technologie : materialy z ogolnoposkiej konferencji zorganizowanej w dniach 15-17 pazdziernika 2001 roku w Warszawie i Radziejowicach / Ministerstwo kultury, Biuro spraw obronnych ; pod redakcja Krzysztofa Salacinskiego
2006   Discover Belarus! : about Belarus, excursions, health care resorts, national parks, hunting, hotels / Sanatoria and Health Resorts Centre "CentreKurort"
1995 Council of Europe Rural landscapes in Europe: principles for creation and management / Sebastien Giorgis ; Steering Comm. for the Conservation and Management of the Environment and Natural Habitats
2006 Isokas, Gediminas Lietuvos girių ir medžioklės istorija / Gediminas Isokas
2006   Shandong : home of Mount Taishan
1988 Council of Europe European Colloquy on the Future of the Countryside: The rural challenge, 2nd, Lisbon, 1-12 June 1987, Hotel Ritz, Jardin de Inverno : Proc. of the colloquy / Intern. Organising and Steering Comm. of the Europ. Campaign for the Countryside (EOC-CR)
2004   Zhongguo shijie yichan quan jilu = World heritage of China / Wu Hong bianzhu
2005   Famous mountains and rivers [Выяўленчы матэрыял] / editors: Cai Lili, Cheng Yu ; transleted by Cheng Yu, Gu Wentong
2005 Luo, Zhewen World cultural and natural heritage sites [Выяўленчы матэрыял] / Luo Zhewen ; translated by Gu Wentong
2006   Azәrbaycan ― bәnzәrız tәbıәt sәltәnәtı [Выяўленчы матэрыял] = Azerbaijan ― the land of incomparable nature = Aserbaidschan ― ein Land Unvergleichlicher natur
2009 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization World heritage, 2009—2010 [Карты] / text: Shelley Sperry
2009   Atlas krajiny České republiky [Карты] = Landscape atlas of the Czech Republic / Ministerstvo životního prostředí České republiky ; Výzkumný ústav Silva Taroucy pro krajinu a okrasné zahradnictví
2011   Patrimoine mondial au Vietnam / traduction de Trần Thị Thanh Phương avec la participation de Grégoire Thiriar et Didier Latroupe
2011 Tredinnick, Jeremy Kazakhstan : business & culture : an A—Z guide : produced in celebration of the 20th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan / Jeremy Tredinnick
2013   Indonesia [Выяўленчы матэрыял] / [project editor: Tom Le Bas]
2013 Shenoi, Anita Sweden [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : an A―Z and beyond / Anita Shenoi
2008   Welcome to My Country [Відэазапіс] : The Sultanate of Oman : 12 minute Tourism Destination Promotional Film / directed by Jonathan Ali Khan ; producer by Babak Amini ; music by Barry Kirsch
1968 Адамс, Ансел (1902—1984) This is the American earth [Выяўленчы матэрыял] / Ansel Adams, Nancy Newhall
2013   Republic of Tatarstan [Выяўленчы матэрыял] = Татарстан Республикасы = Республика Татарстан : [photoalbum / photos: Yegor Aleyev et al. ; composite authors: Marat Galeyev et al.]
2015   My Georgia — what you have to see at least once in a lifetime! [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : [in 13 volumes] / idea: Badri Vadachkoria ; text written and edited by Tea Baramashvili. — [Vol.] 2: Guria
2016   My Georgia — what you have to see at least once in a lifetime! [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : [in 13 volumes] / idea: Badri Vadachkoria ; text written and edited by Tea Baramashvili. — [Vol.] 12: Abkhazia
2004   Сусветная культурная і прыродная спадчына = World Cultural and Natural Heritage : зб. матэрыялаў па афарм. дак. для ўключэння аб'ектаў у Спіс сусвет. культур. і прырод. спадчыны ЮНЕСКО
2012 Николишин, Юрій (гісторык) Велич Карпат : [книга-альбом] / Юій Николишин
2017   Дні Еўрапейскай спадчыны "Спадчына і прырода" : [буклет / Установа адукацыі "Беларускі дзяржаўны ўніверсітэт культуры і мастацтваў", Мастацкая галерэя "Універсітэт культуры" ; аўтар тэкстаў П. М. Сапоцька]
2018 Petro, Jozef UNESCO jewels of Slovakia [Выяўленчы матэрыял] / [photos by] Jozef Petro ; [translation: Marta Gergelyová]
2018 Srnková, Monika UNESCO. Lokality svetového dedičstva na Slovensku [Выяўленчы матэрыял] / Monika Srnková
2018 Пракаповіч, Ігар Міхайлавіч (краязнавец ; паэт ; нар. 1960) Прыродна-гістарычны комплекс "Крыжоўкі" : турысцка-экскурсійны маршрут / І. М. Пракаповіч, А. А. Януш
2018 McNulty, Tim Olympic National Park : a natural history / Tim McNulty
2020 Ягоўдзік, Уладзімір Іванавіч (пісьменнік ; нар. 1956) Вочы Зямлі : вандроўкі па роднай Беларусі / Уладзімір Ягоўдзік ; [фота: І. І. Бышнёў і інш.]
2006 Мазуров, Юрий Львович (доктор географических наук) Природное и культурное наследие как фактор развития природопользования: вопросы методологии и практики управления : автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени доктора географических наук : 25.00.24 / Мазуров Юрий Львович ; Московский государственный университет им. М.В.Ломоносова
2004   Atlas of world heritage : China / National Commission of the People's Republic of China for UNESCO
2000 Council of Europe Tourism and environment : the natural, cultural and socio-economic challenges of sustainable tourism : Proc. of the colloquy organised by the Council of Europe (Directorate of Environment and Local Authorities) and the Min. of Environmental Protection and Regional Development of the Rep. of Latvia, Riga (Latvia), 9-11 Sept. 1999
1847 Тышкевіч, Яўстафій Піевіч (1814—1873) Opisanie powiatu borysowskiego pod względem statystycznym, geognostycznym, historycznym, gospodarczym, przemysłowo-handlowym i lekarskim : z dodaniem wiadomości o obyczajach, spiewach, przysłowiach i ubiorach ludu, gusłach, zabobonach i t. d. / [Eustachy Tyszkiewicz]
2000 Council of Europe European Landscape Convention, 20.X.2000, Florence = Convention europeenne du paysage, 20.X.2000, Florence
2004 Организация Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры Linking universal and local values = L'union des valeurs universelles et locales : managing a sustainable future for world heritage : a conference, 22-24 May 2003 / editors: Eleonore de Merode, Rieks Smeets, Carol Westrik ; Netherlands Ministry of Education, Culture and Science ; Netherlands National Commission for UNESCO
2004   The State of World Heritage in the Asia-Pacific Region : 2003
2001   Krajobraz kulturowy : Warsztaty dla nauczycieli i metodykow: Zeszyt dydaktyczny / [Red.]: Andrzej Michalowski et al. ; Osrodek Ochrony Zabytkowego Krajobrazu, Nar. Instytucja Kultury
2000 Организация Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры The Regional Expert Meeting on Cultural Landscapes in Eastern Europe, Bialystok, Poland 29 Sept. - 3 Oct. 1999 / World Heritage Centre ; Ed.: A.Michalowski et al. ; Transl.: A.Skup
2003   Канвенцыя па ахове сусветнай спадчыны : Пераклад / Беларус. кам. Міжнар. Рады па помніках і мясцінах (ІКАМОС) ; [Навук. рэд. і аўт. уступ. арт. В.В.Гліннік]
2007   Zhongguo dili changshi / The Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council ; Council International, The Office of Chinese Language
2008 UNESCO World Heritage Centre Policy document on the impacts of climate change on world heritage properties = Document d'orientation sur l'impact du changement climatique sur les biens du patrimoine mondial
1938   Yosemite National Park, California / United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service
2008   Wildes Deutschland [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : Bilder einzigartiger Naturschätze / Fotos: Norbert Rosing ; [Konzept und Redaktion: Jürgen Nakott]
2012   Images of the unforgotten land : guidebook album of the reviving after Chernobyl accident districts of the Republic of Belarus / [author of the idea and project supervisor: Zoya Trafimchik ; compilers: I. M. Savchenko [et al.] ; translation: V. V. Yaskevich] ; Department for Mitigation of the Consequences of the Catastrophe at Chernobyl NPP of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus
1990   Oman's geological heritage [Выяўленчы матэрыял] / [author: Michael Hughes Clarke]
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