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2014 Голи, Захра Сейед Хассан (кандидат психологических наук) The comparison of pain-related beliefs, coping strategies and adjustment to pain between Iranian and Belarusian chronic pain patients : dissertation abstract for the degree of doctor of philosophy (Ph. D) in psychology science : specialty 19.00.04 Clinical psychology / Goli Zahra Seyed Hassan ; scientific supervisor: Yanchuk Vladimir Aleksandrovich ; Belarusian State University
2014 Голи, Захра Сейед Хассан (кандидат психологических наук) The comparison of pain-related beliefs, coping strategies and adjustment to pain between Iranian and Belarusian chronic pain patients : a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in psychology science : specialty 19.00.04 Clinical psychology / Goli Zahra Seyed Hassan ; scientific supervisor: Yanchuk V. A. ; Belarusian State University
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