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2007 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (61 ; 2006 ; New York) Official records : supplements. — Suppl. 23A: Comité spécial chargé d'étudier la situation en ce qui concerne l'application de la Déclaration sur l'octroi de l'indépendance aux pays et aux peuples coloniaux : rapport du séminaire régional pour le Pacifique sur la mise en œuvre de la deuxième Décennie internationale de l'élimination du colonialisme : priorités d'action, (Yanuca (Fidji), 28―30 novembre 2006)
2000 Павлова, Елена Борисовна (кандидат политических наук) Португалия и интеграционные процессы в современном мире: политические аспекты : Автореф. дис. на соиск. учен. степ. канд. полит. наук : 23.00.04 / Павлова Елена Борисовна ; С.-Петерб. гос. ун-т
1985 Никулин, Валентин Макеевич Participation of the Byelorussian SSR in the struggle for decolonization and consolidation of independence of newly-free countries / V. Nikulin ; [translated from the Russian by A. Reshetov]
2004 United Nations General Assembly. Session (58) Official records : supplements. — Suppl. 23: Rapport du Comite special charge d'etudier la situation en ce qui concerne l'application de la Declaration sur l'octroi de l'independance aux pays et aux peuples coloniaux sur ses travaux de 2003
2012   Postcolonial Italy : challenging national homogeneity / edited by Cristina Lombardi-Diop and Caterina Romeo
1991   International literature in English : Essays on the major writers / Ed.: R.L.Ross
2000 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (54) Official records : supplements. — Suppl. 23: Report of the Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples for 1999
1995   Основные сведения об Организации Объединенных Наций : По состоянию на 31 марта 1995 г. /...Департамент обществ. информ. ; [Пер. с англ. И.С.Бициева, И.В.Жданкина]
2009 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (64 ; 2009 ; New York) Official records : supplements. — Suppl. 23: Report of the Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples for 2009
2013 Paquette, Gabriel B. (гісторык ; нар. 1977) Imperial Portugal in the age of Atlantic revolutions : the Luso-Brazilian world, c. 1770―1850 / Gabriel Paquette
2010 Ryckmans, François Mémoires noires : les Congolais racontent le Congo belge, 1940―1960 / François Ryckmans
2007 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (62 ; 2007 ; New York) Official records : supplements. — Suppl. 23: Report of the Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples for 2007
2008 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (63 ; 2008 ; New York) Official records : supplements. — Suppl. 23: Report of the Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples for 2008
2004 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization General history of the Caribbean : [in 6 volumes]. — Vol. 5: The Caribbean in the twentieth century
2018   Comparing modern empires : imperial rule and decolonization in the changing world order / edited by Uyama Tomohiko
1985 Никулин, Валентин Макеевич La participation de la RSS de Biélorussie à la lutte pour la décolonisation et la consolidation de l'indépendance des pays libérés / V. Nikouline ; [traduit du russe par M. Déchévitsine]
1964 Sartre, Jean-Paul (пісьменнік ; філосаф ; 1905—1980) Situations. [T.] 5, Сolonialisme et néo-colonialisme / Jean-Paul Sartre
2016 Buettner, Elizabeth Europe after empire : decolonization, society, and culture / Elizabeth Buettner
2017 Jensen, Steven L. B. The making of international human rights : the 1960s, decolonization and the reconstruction of global values / Steven L. B. Jensen
2000 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (52) Official records : supplements. — Suppl. 23: Report of the Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples for 1997
2008 Demker, Marie Colonial power and national identity : Pierre Mendès France and the history of French decolonisation / Marie Demker
2013 Murphy, Philipp Monarchy and the end of empire : the House of Windsor, the British Government, and the post-war Commonwealth / Philip Murphy
2015   1937―1947 : la guerre-monde / sous la direction de Alya Aglan et Robert Frank. — T. 2
2007 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (61 ; 2006 ; New York) Official records : supplements. — Suppl. 23A: Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples : report of the Pacific regional seminar on the implementation of the Second International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism: priorities for action (Yanuca, Fiji, 28―30 November 2006)
2003 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (57) Official records : supplements. — Suppl. 23: Report of the Special Committee on the Situation with Regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples for 2002
1985 Никулин, Валентин Макеевич Participación de la RSS de Bielorrusia en la lucha por la descolonización y el fortalecimiento de la independencia de los países liberados / V. Nikulin ; [traducción del ruso por Oscar Pinto]
2000 Moore-Gilbert, Bart J. (нар. 1952) Postcolonial theory : contexts, practices, politics / Bart Moore-Gilbert
2001 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (55) Official records : supplements. — Suppl. 23: Report of the Special Committee on the Situation with Regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples for 2000
2001 Wang Runhua Hua wen hou zhimin wenxue : bentu duoyuan wenhua de sikao / Wang Runhua
2010 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (65 ; 2010 ; New York) Official records : supplements. — Suppl. 23: Report of the Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples for 2010
1999   The post-colonial studies reader / edited by Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffiths and Helen Tiffin
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