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   Запрос: a001="BY-NLB-ar64911"
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Дата Автор Заглавие
2001   Dynamic computer model for the metallogenesis and tectonics of the Circum-North Pacific / U.S. Dep. of the Interior. U.S. Geol. Survey in coop. with the U.S. Dep. of Energy; [auth.]: Christopher R.Scorcese et al.; ed.: Warren J.Nokleberg a. Michael F.Diggles [Electronic resource]
2016   2016 [Изоматериал] : [настенный перекидной календарь] / Sun pharma
1999   Geographic information systems (GIS) compilation of geophysical, geologic, and tectonic data for the Circum-North Pacific / U.S. Dep. of Interior; U.S. Geol. Survey; [auth.]: Mark L.Greninger, Simon L.Klempere, Warren J. Nikleberg; contributors: D.S.Aitken et al; Ed.: Warren J.Nokleberg, Michael F.Diggles [Electronic resource]
1999   Geographic information systems (GIS) compilation of geophysical, geologic, and tectonic data for the Circum-North Pacific / U.S. Dep. of Interior; U.S. Geol. Survey; [auth.]: Mark L.Greninger, Simon L.Klempere, Warren J. Nikleberg; contributors: D.S.Aitken et al; Ed.: Warren J.Nokleberg, Michael F.Diggles [Electronic resource]
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