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2008   Public sector reform: what works and why? : an IEG evaluation of World Bank support
2006 Организация Объединенных Наций. Научно-исследовательский институт социального развития Implicações do financiamento do Banco Mundial para as respostas das ONGs e OBCs ao HIV/Aids no sul e sudeste do Brasil / Elisabete Inglesi com a colaboração de Anna Lucia Weinstein [et al.]
1999 United Nations. World Bank Nongovernmental organizations in World Bank ― supported projects : a review / Christopher Gibbs, Claudia Fumo, Thomas Kuby
2003 United Nations. World Bank The World Bank and anticorruption in Europe and Central Asia : enhancing transparency, voice and accountability
2005 United Nations. World Bank Annual report on operations evaluation, 2004 / World Bank, Operations Evaluation Department
2006 United Nations. World Bank Assessing World Bank support for trade, 1987―2004 : an IEG evaluation / World Bank, Independent Evaluation Group
2000 United Nations. World Bank Supporting the web of life : the World Bank and biodiversity ― a portfolio update (1988―1999)
2006 United Nations. World Bank The World Bank annual report, 2006
2002 United Nations. World Bank The World Bank in action : stories of development
2007 United Nations. World Bank A decade of action in transport : an evaluation of World Bank assistance to the transport sector, 1995―2005 / World Bank, Independent Evaluation Group
2002 United Nations. World Bank Constructing knowledge societies : new challenges for tertiary education
2006 United Nations. World Bank Good practice principles for the application of conditionality : a progress report
2008 United Nations. World Bank Improving the business environment in Latvia : the impact of FIAS assistance / Sanda Liepina, Jacqueline Coolidge, Lars Grava ; International Finance Corporation ; Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
2008 United Nations. World Bank The welfare impact of rural electrification : a reassessment of the costs and benefits : an IEG impact evaluation
2008 United Nations. World Bank L'engagement de la Banque mondiale face au VIH/SIDA en Afrique : notre programme d'action, 2007―2011
2000 United Nations. Conference on Trade and Development Governance-related conditionalities of the international financial institutions / D.Kapur, R.Webb
2009 United Nations. World Bank Annual review of development effectiveness, 2009 : achieving sustainable development
2002 United Nations. World Bank Promoting environmental sustainability in development : an evaluation of the World Bank's performance / Andrés Liebenthal
2006 United Nations. World Bank World Bank assistance to the financial sector : a synthesis of IEG evaluations
2009 United Nations. World Bank Energizing climate-friendly development : World Bank Group progress on renewable energy and energy efficiency in fiscal 2008
2006 United Nations. World Bank Managing climate risk : integrating adaptation into World Bank Group operations
2011 Рибальченко, Катерина Олександрівна Механізм підвищення ефективності співпраці України зі світовим банком в умовах глобалізації : автореферат дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата економічних наук : 08.00.02 / Рибальченко Катерина Олександрівна ; Національна академія наук України, Інститут світової економіки і міжнародних відносин
1994 United Nations. World Bank Albania and the World Bank : building the future
1996 United Nations. World Bank The first half century : an overview / K. Sarwar Lateef
1999 United Nations. World Bank Advancing gender equality : World Bank action since Beijing
1997 United Nations. World Bank Public expenditure reform under adjustment lending : lessons from World Bank experiences / Jeff Huther, Sandra Roberts, Anwar Shah
1995 United Nations. World Bank Advancing gender equality : from concept to action
2000 United Nations. World Bank Annual review of development effectiveness, 1999 / Nagy Hanna [et al.]
1995 United Nations. World Bank Bibliography of publications, Technical Department, Africa region, July 1987 to April 1995 / edited by P. C. Mohan
1999 United Nations. World Bank Mainstreaming gender and development in the World Bank : progress and recommendations / Caroline O. N. Moser, Annika Tornqvist, Bernice van Bronkhorst
1998 United Nations. World Bank Energy in Europa and Central Asia : a sector strategy for the World Bank Group / Laszlo Lovei
1996 United Nations. World Bank Mainstreaming the environment : summary
1996 United Nations. World Bank Participation in practice : the experience of the World Bank and other stakeholders / edited by Jennifer Rietbergen-McCracken
1995 United Nations. World Bank Annual report on portfolio performance, fiscal 1994
1995 United Nations. World Bank Poverty reduction and the World Bank : progress in fiscal 1994
1986   The World Bank economic review
1990   World Bank policy research bulletin
1994 United Nations. World Bank World Bank-financed projects with community participation : procurement and disbursement issues / Gita Gopal, Alexandre Marc
1997 United Nations. World Bank Evaluation results, 1995 / Linda G. Morra, Ulrich R. W. Thumm. — Vol. 2: Annex
1994 United Nations. World Bank The World Bank research program, 1994
1997 United Nations. World Bank Fiscal management in adjustment lending / Jayati Datta-Mitra
1997 United Nations. World Bank Zambia country assistance review : turning an economy around / Gladstone G. Bonnick
1996 United Nations. World Bank Annual report, 1996
1996 United Nations. World Bank African water resources : challenges and opportunities for sustainable development / Narendra P. Sharma [et al.]
2004 United Nations. World Bank Annual review of development effectiveness, 2003 : the effectiveness of bank support for policy reform
2000 United Nations. World Bank Costa Rica : forest strategy and the evolution of land use / Ronnie de Camino [et al.]
2001 United Nations. World Bank Cultural heritage and development : a framework for action in the Middle East and North Africa
2001 United Nations. World Bank Faith in development : partnership between the World Bank and the churches of Africa / edited by Deryke Belshaw, Robert Calderisi, Chris Sugden ; foreword by James D. Wolfensohn and George Carey
2003 United Nations. World Bank World Bank Operations Evaluation Department : the first 30 years / edited by Patrick G. Grasso, Sulaiman S. Wasty, Rachel V. Weaving
2006 United Nations. World Bank Infrastructure at the crossroads : lessons from 20 years of World Bank experience
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