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2000 Димитров, Тодор Босилеградският край ― български учреждения и личности, 1878―1912 г. / Тодор Димитров ; Македонски научен институт, Научно-информационна группа, Кюстендил
1999 United Nations. World Bank Gender, growth and poverty reduction : special program of assistance for Africa, 1998 status report on poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa / C. Mark Blackden [et al.]
1957 Lewis, Warren Hamilton (1895—1973) The splendid century : life in the France of Louis XIV / W. H. Lewis
2016 Мярчук, Вольга Мікалаеўна (кандыдат гістарычных навук ; нар. 1984) Эміграцыя насельніцтва з Заходняй Беларусі (1921—1939 гг.) : дысертацыя на саісканне вучонай ступені кандыдата гістарычных навук : спецыяльнасць 07.00.02 Айчынная гісторыя / Мярчук Вольга Мікалаеўна ; навуковы кіраўнік Вабішчэвіч А. М. ; Установа адукацыі "Брэсцкі дзяржаўны ўніверсітэт ім. А. С. Пушкіна"
2014 Przybylik, Marek Dzień targowy. Tak się kończył PRL / Marek Przybylik
2020   We are all wave catchers / compiled by Chen Aihai
2012 Bourdieu, Pierre (сацыёлаг ; 1930—2002) Picturing Algeria / Pierre Bourdieu ; edited by Franz Schultheis and Christine Frisinghelli ; [foreword by Craig Calhoun]
1994 United Nations. World Bank The World Bank atlas, 1995
1995 United Nations. World Bank The World Bank atlas, 1996
1997 United Nations. World Bank Land reform in Ukraine : the first five years / Csaba Csaki, Zvi Lerman
2004   Economic growth, poverty, and household welfare in Vietnam / edited by Paul Glewwe, Nisha Agrawal, David Dollar
2001 United Nations. World Bank World Bank atlas, 2001 : from the World Development Indicators
2002 United Nations. World Bank Poverty in Albania : a qualitative assessment / Hermine De Soto [et al.]
1894 Rossi, Adolfo (1857—1921) Die Bewegung in Sizilien im Hinblick auf die letzten Verurtheilungen / von Adolfo Rossi ; Deutsch von Leopold Jacoby
1836 Porter, George Richardson (эканаміст ; 1792—1852) The progress of the nation, in its various social and economical relations, from the beginning of the nineteenth century to the present time : [у 3 т.] / by G. R. Porter. — Sect. 1 and 2: Population and production
2018   The great dispersion: the many fates of post-communist society / edited by Manabu Sengoku
2020   Naliboki Forest [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : land, wildlife and human : in three volumes / [written and illustrated by Vadim Sidorovich] ; [preface-review by Mikhail Nikiforov]. — Vol. 3: Historical outline and ethnographical sketch
2023 Čechura, Jaroslav (нар. 1952) Luxus na dluh? : zadlužení české aristokracie v letech 1550―1650 / Jaroslav Čechura
2014 Петращак, Оксана Олександрівна Соціально-економічні важелі підвищення продуктивності праці у сучасних умовах : автореферат дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата економічних наук : спеціальність 08.00.07 Демографія, економіка праці, соціальна економіка і політика / Петращак Оксана Олександрівна ; Міністерство освіти і науки України, Кіровоградський національний технічний університет
2000 United Nations. World Bank World Bank atlas, 2000 : from the World Development Indicators
2001 United Nations. World Bank Attacking extreme poverty : learning from the experience of the International Movement ATD Fourth World / edited by Quentin Wodon
2012 Shohet, Azriel (гісторык ; 1906—1993) The Jews of Pinsk, 1881 to 1941 / Azriel Shohet ; edited by Mark Jay Mirsky and Moshe Rosman ; translated by Faigie Tropper and Moshe Rosman ; with an afterword by Zvi Gitelman
2012   Tallinn : facts & figures, 2012 / Tallinn City Government
2014 Ioffe, Grigory Viktorovich (вучоны-географ ; нар. 1951) Reassessing Lukashenka : Belarus in cultural and geopolitical context / Grigory Ioffe
1998 United Nations. World Bank World Bank atlas, 1998 : from the World Development Indicators
1994 United Nations. World Bank The determinants of reproductive change in Bangladesh : success in a challenging environment / John Cleland [et al.]
1998 United Nations. World Bank Gender analysis in Papua New Guinea / edited by Elizabeth C. Brouwer, Bruce M. Harris, Sonomi Tanaka
2003   When things fall apart : qualitative studies of poverty in the former Soviet Union / edited by Nora Dudwick [et al.] ; foreword by Ravi Kanbur
2002 United Nations. World Bank Why has poverty increased in Zimbabwe? / Jeffrey Alwang, Bradford F. Mills, Nelson Taruvinga
2007 United Nations. World Bank Angola : oil, broad-based growth, and equity
2001 United Nations. World Bank The health of women in Latin America and the Caribbean / Ruth Levine, Amanda Glassman, Miriam Schneidman ; Inter-American Development Bank ; Pan American Health Organization
2015   Routledge handbook of political corruption / edited by Paul M. Heywood
2013 Pinto, Diana Israel has moved / Diana Pinto
1986   Ähren des belorussischen Feldes / [текст П. А. Суткаленко] ; [перевод с русского И. И. Большакова]
1929 Matuszewski, Zygmunt Powiat rawsko-mazowiecki / Zygmunt Matuszewski
1999 United Nations. World Bank Nigeria and Indonesia / David Bevan, Paul Collier, Jan Willem Gunning
2001 United Nations. World Bank The economics of gender in Mexico: work, family, state, and market / editors: Elizabeth G. Katz, Maria C. Correia
1998 United Nations. World Bank Slovak Republic : a strategy for growth and European integration
1997 United Nations. World Bank Social assessments for better development : case studies in Russia and Central Asia / editors: Michael M. Cernea, Ayse Kudat ; introduction by Johannes Linn and Ismail Serageldin
1985 Low, Ann Marie (1912— ) Dust bowl diary / Ann Marie Low
1927 Tarn, W. W. Hellenistic civilisation / W. W. Tarn
1977 Korbel, Jan Wyjazdy i powroty : migracje ludności w procesie normalizacji stosunków między Polską a RFN / Jan Korbel
1996 United Nations. World Bank The contribution of income components to income inequality in South Africa : a decomposable Gini analysis / Murray V. Leibbrandt, Christopher D. Woolard, and Ingrid D. Woolard
1995 United Nations. World Bank Chile : estrategia para elevar la competitividad agrícola y aliviar la pobreza rural
1997 United Nations. World Bank Bosnia and Herzegovina : from recovery to sustainable growth
2006 United Nations. World Bank Poverty reduction and growth: virtuous and vicious circles / Guillermo E. Perry [et al.]
2013   Facing challenges : a comparison of Taiwan and Hong Kong / edited by Wen-shan Yang, Po-san Wan ; Academia Sinica, Institute of Sociology
2003 United Nations. World Bank World Bank atlas, 2003
2016   Naliboki Forest [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : land, wildlife and human : in three volumes / [compilation, illustrations: Vadim Sidorovich] ; [preface-review by Mikhail Nikiforov]. — Vol. 3: Historical outline and Ethnographical sketch
1952 Marchlewski, Julian Baltazar (1866―1925) Pisma wybrane : w dwóch tomach / Julian Marchlewski ; Wydział Historii Partii KC PZPR. — T. 1
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