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Дата Автор Заглавие
1964   [Топографические карты] [Карты] / Генеральный штаб. — J-18-В: Ричмонд : составлено и подготовлено к изданию в 1964 г. : отпечатано в 1964 г. / составили: В. П. Белякова, И. А. Федосеева ; редактор Г. М. Макаров
1999   Integrated surface hourly 1995-1999 [Electronic resource] / [World Meteorol. Organization], U.S.Dep. of Commerce, Nat. Oceanic a. Atmospheric Administration. — Vol. 7: Eastern United States (ME,NH,VT,CT,RI,NY,MA,PA,NJ,MD,DE,VA,NC,SC,GA,FL, WV, OH and AL [Electronic resource]
2001   A gap analysis of South Carolina [Electronic resource] : 2001 final report / U.S. Dep. of Interior, U.S. Geol. Survey. — Disc 2 [Electronic resource]
2001   Preliminary lithogeochemical map showing near-surface rock types in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, Virginia and Maryland / U.S. Dep. of the Interior. U.S. Geol. Survey in coop. with the Virginia Div. of Mineral Resources a the Maryland Geol. Survey; [auth.]: John D.Peper, Lucy B.McCartan, J.Wright Horton Jr., James E.Reddy [Electronic resource]
1964   [Топографические карты] [Карты] / Генеральный штаб. — J-17-Г: Роанок : составлено и подготовлено к изданию в 1964 г. : отпечатано в 1964 г. / составили: М. П. Семенова [и др.] ; редактор Г. М. Макаров
2001   A gap analysis of Virginia [Electronic resource] : June 2001 final report / U.S. Dep. of Interior, U.S. Geol. Survey. — Disc 2 [Electronic resource]
1906   Geologic atlas of the United States [Map] / Department of the Interior, United States Geological Survey. — nr 136: St. Marys folio : Maryland - Virginia [Map] : index map : contents descriptive text, topographic map, areal geology map
1894   Geologic atlas of the United States [Map] / Department of the Interior, United States Geological Survey. — folio 13: Fredericksburg folio : Virginia - Maryland [Map] : index map : list of sheets, description, topography, areal geology
1948   Abstracts of dissertations : accepted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of dr of philosophy, 1948 / Univ. of Virginia. Dep. of Graduate Studies
2000   Digital geologic map of Loudoun County, Virginia / U.S. Dep. of the Interior; U.S. Geol. Survey; [auth.]: Scott Southworth, William C. Burton, Stephen Schindler, Albert J. Froelich; digital comp. by Remo Nardini et al. [Electronic resource]
1894   Geologic atlas of the United States [Map] / Department of the Interior, United States Geological Survey. — folio 14: Staunton folio : Virginia - West Virginia [Map] : index map : list of sheets, description, topography, areal geology, economic geology, structure sections
2000   Revised stratigraphic and tectonic framework of the Carolina Slate Belt from Southern Virginia to the South Carolina-Georgia border (with observations bearing on the origin of slate-belt gold deposits) / U.S. Dep. of the Interior; U.S. Geol. Survey; [auth.]: Terry W. Offield; ed. by David Sutphin [Electronic resource]
1990 Джефферсон, Томас (1743—1826) Автобиография;Заметки о штате Виргиния / Сост.,общ.ред.,[вступ.ст.]А.А.Фурсенко;Перевод В.М.Большакова с участием В.Н.Плешкова;Коммент.и указ.В.Н.Плешкова;[АН СССР]
2001   A gap analysis of Virginia [Electronic resource] : June 2001 final report / U.S. Dep. of Interior, U.S. Geol. Survey. — Disc 1 [Electronic resource]
2018 Востриков, Павел Вячеславович Социокультурное развитие колониальной Виргинии (1680—1776 гг.) : автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени кандидата исторических наук : специальность 07.00.03 Всеобщая история / Востриков Павел Вячеславович ; [Курский государственный университет]
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