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Дата Автор Заглавие
1999 Council of Europe Legal problems relating to parentage : Proc. [of the] 27th Colloquy on Europ. Law, Valletta (Malta), 15-17 Sept. 1997 / Found. for Intern. Studies
1996 Council of Europe Secondary education in Malta / Paul A. Attard, Andrew J. Buhagiar ; Council for Cultural Co-operation
2002   Мальта : путеводитель : [с мини-разговорником : перевод / автор текста Б.Шлюссель
2003 Федорова, Елена Васильевна (доктор филологических наук ; 1927—2015) Мальта : Тысячелетия. Люди. Тайны / Е.В.Федорова
2000 Abela, Albert E. Guide to the National Library of Malta / Albert E. Abela, William Zammit
2016   Valletta 1566 Melita Renascens [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : exhibition catalogue, National Library of Malta & Fort St. Elmo, Valletta, July 2016 — June 2017 / edited by Godwin Vella ; photography & design: Daniel Cilia
1992 Council of Europe Technical assistance for a computerised heritage documentation centre in Malta : Rep. established by the expert nominated by the Council of Europe, Malta, Nov. 1991
2013   Il-Gran Mastri tal-Ordni ta' San Ġwann f'Malta = The Grand Masters of the Order of St. John in Malta / pubblikazzjoni tal-Bibljoteka Nazjonali ta' Malta
2000-2020   Malta & Gozo [Карты] : road map
1998 Council of Europe Structure and operation of local and regional democracy : Malta : Situation in 1997
1995 Council of Europe European Social Charter : 12th report (II), 1989-90 (Austria, Cyprus, France, Germany, Italy, Malta, Spain) / Gov. Comm
2002   Major companies of Europe, 2003 / Ed.: Vicky Bentley (team leader) et al. — Vol. 4: Greece. Iceland. Israel. Italy. Liechtenstein. Luxembourg. Malta. Netherlands. Norway / Project ed.: Alison Gallico, Layla Mercury
2005   Eiropa Latvija [Выяўленчы матэрыял] = Europa in Lettland : 2005/2006 : kalendars [насценны перакідны] / Latvijas Akademiska Biblioteka ; projekta vaditaja Venta Kocere ; teksta autori Janis Stradins [i iнш.] ; foto Gvido Kajons
2015   Besieged : Malta 1565 / edited by Maroma Camilleri. — Vol. 1
2007 Mayo, Peter (нар. 1955) Adult education in Malta / Peter Mayo ; Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association
2001   La presenza dei Cavalieri di San Giovanni in Sicilia : Convegno intern., 17 giugno 2000, Palermo, 18 giugno 2000, Messina / Sovrano Militare Ordine di Malta, Fond. Donna Maria Marullo di Condojanni
2013   Malta [Карты]
2019   La Russie et l'Ordre de Malte, 1697—1817 / [introduction: P. V. Stegny] ; [traductrice: Michelle Paeschen] ; Ministère des affaires étrangères de la Fédération de Russie, Ordre Souverain de Malte
1992 Council of Europe Roles in the organisation of legal data processing systems : Proc. of the 8th Colloguy on Legal Data Processing in Europe, Malta, 9-11 Oct. 1990
2000   Carlo V e Mercurino di Gattinara suo Gran Cancellier : [Atti del] Convegno Intern., 9-11 guigno 2000, Malta / Accademia Internazionale Melitense
2013   2014 [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : 20 гадоў разам з чытачамі : духоўна-асветніцкае выданне : каляндар / мастацкі і тэхнічны рэдактар А. Глекаў ; камп'ютарная вёрстка Г. Гей
2015   Besieged : Malta 1565 / edited by Maroma Camilleri. — Vol. 2
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