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2002 Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe. Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights Monitoring places of detention : a practical guide for NGOs / Association for the Prevention of Torture
1995 Council of Europe Principles on the distribution of videograms having a violent, brutal or pornographic content : Recommendation N. R (89) 7 adopted by the Comm. of Min. of the Council of Europe on 27 Apr. 1989 and explanatory memorandum
1999 Council of Europe Bullying in schools : European teachers' seminar, Bled, Slovenia, 16-19 Apr. 1998 / Council for Cultural Co-operation. In-Service Training Programme for Educational Staff
????   Das Martyrium der Deutschen in Oberschlesien : Gewaltakte und Greueltaten der Polen waehrend des 3. Aufstandes in Oberschlesen im Mai und Juni 1921
2003 ООН. Управление Верховного Комиссара ООН по делам беженцев. Сексуальное и гендерное насилие над беженцами, возвращающимися лицами и внутренне перемещенными лицами : Руководство по предотвращению и реагированию, май 2003
2004 United Nations. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights Istanbul Protocol : Manual on the effective investigation and doc. of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
2000 ООН. Генеральная Ассамблея. Сессия (55) Официальные отчеты : дополнения. — Доп. 44: Доклад Комитета против пыток : 23-я сессия, 8―19 ноября 1999 г., 24-я сессия 1―19 мая 2000 г
2008   An overview of the Nanjing debate : reprints of articles from "Japan Echo", 1998 to 2007 with new commentaries / [editor-in-chief: Shiraishi Takashi]
2007 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Expert Meeting "Stopping violence in schools: what works?", UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, 27―29 June 2007 : report
1994 United Nations. World Bank Violence against women : the hidden health burden / Lori L. Heise with Jacqueline Pitanguy and Adrienne Germain
2005 United Nations. Population Fund Gender-based violence in Timor-Leste : a case study : consultative meeting, Bucharest, Romania, 17-20 October 2005
1993 Council of Europe European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, 26.IX.1987, Strasbourg = Convention europeenne pour la prevention de la torture et des peines ou traitements inhumains ou degradants, 26.IX.1987, Strasbourg
2003   Маладая жанчына ў небяспецы / Пад рэд. Б.Леві ; [Пер. з англ. А.Кузьміча, А.Барысавай]
2007 Butler, Sara M. The language of Abuse : marital violence in later medieval England / Sara M. Butler
2013 Gwerder, Philipp Gothic identities : war, atrocities and doubles in Philip Caputo's fiction / Philipp Gwerder
2018 Straka, Jaroslav Čachtický hrad a Alžbeta Báthoryová / Jaroslav Straka
1977 Wolfe, Thomas Clayton (пісьменнік ; 1900—1938) Von Zeit und Strom : eine Legende vom Hunger des Menschen in der Jugend : erstes bis drittes Buch / Thomas Wolfe ; übertragen von Hans Schiebelhuth
1998 Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Combating torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment: The role of the OSCE : OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting, Oct. 1998: Background paper / Office for Democratic Inst. and Human Rights
2012 Wallinius, Märta Aggressive antisocial behavior : clinical, cognitive, and behavioral covariates of its persistence : [akademisk avhandling som för avläggande av medicine doktorsexamen vid Medicinska fakulteten, Lunds universitet] / Märta Wallinius
2016 Sifris, Ronli Reproductive freedom, torture and international human rights : challenging the masculinisation of torture / Ronli Sifris
1995 Council of Europe The medico-social aspects of child abuse : Recommendation No. R (93) 2 adopted by the Comm. of Min. of the Council of Europe on 22 March 1993 and explanatory memorandum
1999 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (54) Official records : supplements. — Suppl. 44: Report of the Committee against Torture : twenty-first session, 9―20 November 1998; twenty-second session, 26 April ― 14 May 1999
2011 Jenkins, Philip (нар. 1952) Laying down the sword : why we can't ignore the Bible's violent verses / Philip Jenkins
2012 Girardi, Julia An overview of international experiences and best practices : in 5 countries: Austria, Ukraune, UK, Israel, Kazakhstan on selected aspects of addressing domestic violence / Julia Girardi ; United Nations Trust Fund to End Violence against Women ; United Nations Population Fund ; United Nations Children's Fund ; International Organization for Migration
2014 Скрекля, Леся Іванівна Жорстокість як наскрізне кримінально-правове поняття : автореферат дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата юридичних наук : спеціальність 12.00.08 Кримінальне право та кримінологія; кримінально-виконавче право / Скрекля Леся Іванівна ; Міністерство внутрішніх справ України, Львівський державний університет внутрішніх справ
2006 United Nations Ending violence against women : from words to action : study of the Secretary-General
1999 Организация по безопасности и сотрудничеству в Европе Preventing torture : A handbook for OSCE field staff / Office for Democratic Inst. and Human Rights
1999 Council of Europe Human rights today : European legal texts
2000 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (55) Official records : supplements. — Suppl. 44: Report of the Committee against Torture : 23rd session, 8―19 November 1999; 24th session, 1―19 May 2000
2001 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (56) Official records : supplements. — Suppl. 44: Report of the Committee against Torture : 25th session, 13―24 November 2000; 26th session, 30 April ― 18 May 2001
2013   Gender equality and gender-based violence : handbook / [editor: Goran B. Milošević] ; [translated by Dragoslava Mićović, Vesna Anđelić-Nikolendžić, Mirjana Stojov] ; Republic of Serbia, Ministry of Labour and Social Policy ; United Nations Development Programme in Serbia ; Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs ; Projekat SRZN
2005 United Nations Population Fund Gender-based violence in occupied Palestinian territory : a case study : consultative meeting, Bucharest, Romania, 17-20 October 2005
2000 Организация Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры Male roles, masculinities and violence : A culture of peace perspective / Ed.: I.Breines, R.Connell, I.Eide
1995 Colgan, Karina You have to scream with your mouth shut : violence in the home / Karina Colgan
2010 Donovan, Barna William (нар. 1970) Blood, guns, and testosterone : action films, audiences, and a thirst for violence / Barna William Donovan
2015 Whitlock, Kay Considering hate : violence, goodness, and justice in American culture and politics / Kay Whitlock and Michael Bronski
2005 United Nations Population Fund Gender-based violence in Kosovo : a case study : consultative meeting, Bucharest, Romania, 17-20 October 2005
2001 United Nations. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights Istanbul Protocol : Manual on the effective investigation and documentation of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
2004 United Nations. International Labour Organization Workplace violence in services sectors and measures to combat this phenomenon
2000 Международная Амнистия Take a step to stamp out torture
1996 Council of Europe Protocol No. 2 to the European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, 4.XI.1993, Strasbourg = Protocole No. 2 a la Convention europeenne pour la prevention de la torture et des peines ou traitements inhumains ou degradants, 4.XI.1993, Strasbourg
2003 Организация по безопасности и сотрудничеству в Европе. Бюро по демократическим институтам и правам человека Предупреждение пыток : справочник для персонала ОБСЕ на местах
1994 Council of Europe Protocol No. 1 to the European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, 4.XI.1993, Strasbourg = Protocole No. 1 a la Convention europeenne pour la prevention de la torture et des peines ou traitements inhumains ou degradants, 4.XI.1993, Strasbourg
2004 Организация Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры Roles masculins, masculinites et violence : Perspectives d'une culture de paix / Direction: Ingeborg Breines, Robert Connell, Ingrid Eide
2003 Disabled Peoples' International. Violence means death of the soul : The informative kit / Dinah Radtke, Rita Barbuto, Emilia Napoletano, Marita Iglesia ; European Union Committee
1979 Council of Europe The causes and prevention of child abuse
1992 Council of Europe Prevention of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment : Explanatory report: Convention opened for signature on 26 Nov. 1987
???? ООН. Фонд для развития в интересах женщин. Насилие в отношении женщин и детей : Анализ проблемы и пути ее решения в Республике Беларусь / Белорус. ассоц. молодых христ. женщин ; Центр гендер. информации и политики М-ва труда и соц. защиты Республики Беларусь
2003 ООН. Генеральная Ассамблея. Сессия (58) Официальные отчеты : дополнения. — Доп. 44: Доклад Комитета против пыток : 29-я сессия, 11―22 ноября 2002 г.; 30-я сессия, 28 апреля ― 16 мая 2003 г
2011 Гальона, Євген Олександрович Агресія та жорстокість у контексті антропології насильства : автореферат дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата філософських наук : 09.00.04 / Гальона Євген Олександрович ; Харківський національний університет ім. В. Н. Каразина
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