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1969 Council of Europe Explanatory report on the European Convention for the protection of animals during international transport
1995 Council of Europe Between the two extremes - dereliction and over-use : How shall the land be managed so as to benefit the wildlife, the countryside and the landscape?: Rep. of the seminar, 19-21 Oct. 1992, Strasbourg / Directorate of the Environment and Local Authorities of the Council of Europe ; [Prep.]: Pierre Hunkeler
2004 Hadid, Zaha Car park and terminus Strasbourg : European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture Mies van der Rohe Award, 2003 / Zaha Hadid
1998 Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of the Environment through Criminal Law, Strasbourg, 4.XI.1998 = Convention sur la protection de l'environnement par le droit penal, Strasbourg, 4.XI.1998
2000 Council of Europe The pharmacist at the crossroads of new health risks: an indispensable partner for their management! : Proceedings [of the Seminar], Strasbourg, 20-22 Oct. 1999
1989 Council of Europe Round Table with European Ombudsmen, 2nd, Strasbourg, 27-28 June 1988 : Proceedings / Organised by the Secretariat Gen. of the Council of Europe
1983 Council of Europe EDP systems for court administration : Proc. of the 3rd Colloquy on the use of computers in the administration of justice, 3-5 Nov. 1982, Strasbourg
1981 Council of Europe Role and training of auxiliary dental staff in the member states of the Council of Europe and in Finland / [Europ. Publ. Health Comm.], Co-ordinated Medical Research Programme (1980)
1985 Council of Europe Explanatory report on the European Convention on the Transfer of Proceedings in Criminal Matters
1970-1979   Strasbourg (Bas-Rhin). Place Kleber et la Cathedrale [Выяўленчы матэрыял] = Der Kleberplatz und das Munster : [фатаграфія : паштоўка]
1999 Council of Europe Conference of Directors of Prison Administration (CDAP), 12th, 26-28 Nov. 1997, Strasbourg : Proceedings / European Comm. on Crime Problems (CDPC)
1996 Council of Europe Stored product protection and post-harvest treatment of plant products : Proc. [of the] Intern. Forum, Strasbourg, 7-8 Nov. 1995
1998 Council of Europe Protocol of amendment to the European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals used for Experimental and other Scientific Purposes, Strasbourg, 22.VI.1998 = Protocole d'amendement a la Convention europeenne sur la protection des animaux vertebres utilises a des fins experimentales ou a d'autres fins scientifiques, Strasbourg, 22.VI.1998
1999 Council of Europe Criminal Law Convention on Corruption, Strasbourg, 27.I.1999 = Convention penale sur la corruption, Strasbourg, 27.I.1999
????   Strassburg : Ansichten Album
1992 Council of Europe The incidence of "crack" in North American and European cities : Working doc. and conclusions of the Hearing on the incidence of "crack" in North Amer. and Europ. cities, 14 Nov. 1990, Strasbourg / Standing Conf. of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe
1881 Seinguerlet, E. L'Alsace française. Strasbourg pendant la Révolution / E. Seinguerlet
2021   L'Orient d'un philhellène [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : Carl Haller von Hallerstein en Asie Mineure (1814―1816) : carnet de croquis / commissariat général: Nourane Ben Azzouna, Claude Lorentz ; sélection des documents et textes: Claude Lorentz
1979 Council of Europe Explanatory report on the European Convention on the Suppression of Terrorism, Strasbourg, 27 Jan. 1977
1994 Council of Europe Round Table with European Ombudsmen, 3rd, Florence, 7-8 November 1991 : Proceedings / Organised by the Secretariat Gen. of the Council of Europe in co-op. with the Difensore Civico of the Tuscany Region, the Regional Council of Tuscany a. the Europ. Univ. Inst
1969 Council of Europe Explanatory report on the European Convention on mutual assistance in criminal matters
1977 Council of Europe Explanatory report on the European Agreement on the Transmission of Applications for Legal Aid, Starsbourg, 27.01.1977
2009   Ens infinitum à l'école de saint François d'Assise : [catalogue de l'exposition, Bibliothèque nationale et universitaire, Strasbourg, du 19 mars au 16 mai 2009] / sous la direction de Claude Coulot et Franck Storne
1978 Council of Europe Explanatory report on the Second Additional Protocol to the European Convention on Extradition, Strasbourg, 17 March 1978
1977 Council of Europe Perinatal morbidity and mortality in Council of Europe member states and in Finland : Report / Prep.: R.Beckers et al. ; Europ. Publ. Health Comm. ; Pres.: M.Manciaux ; Co-ordinated Medical Research Programme (1975)
1995 Council of Europe Pan-European conference on the potential long-term ecological impact of genetically modified organisms, 24-26 November 1993, Strasbourg : Proceedings
1998 Council of Europe Protocol amending the European Convention on Transfrontier Television, Strasbourg, 1.X.1998 = Protocole portant amendement a la Convention europeenne sur la television transfrontiere, Strasbourg, 1.X.1998
1997 Council of Europe European Convention on Nationality, Strasbourg, 6.XI.1997 = Convention europeenne sur la nationalite, Strasbourg, 6.XI.1997
1998 Council of Europe Additional Protocol to the Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons, Strasbourg, 18.XII.1997 = Protocole additionnel a la Convention sur le transferement des personnes condamnees, Strasbourg, 18.XII.1997
1997 UNESCO. International Hydrological Programme Ecohydrological processes in small basins : Proc. [of the] 6th Conf. of the Europ. Network of Experimental and Representative Basins (ERB), Strasbourg, 24-26 Sept. 1996 / Ed.: D.Viville, I.G.Littlewood
1991 Council of Europe International Conference on: "European Towns: Strategies and Programmes", Strasbourg, 6-8 June 1990 : Working documents and conclusions
1985 Council of Europe Explanatory report on Protocol No. 7 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
1970 Council of Europe Explanatory report on the European Convention on the Supervision of Conditionally Sentenced and Conditionally Released Offenders
1997 Council of Europe The pharmacist and the challenge of new social trends : Seminar, Strasbourg, Oct. 1995
1993 Council of Europe Local and regional authorities and HIV/AIDS : Working doc. and conclusions of the hearing held on 29 Jan. 1993 in Strasbourg / Standing Conf. of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe
1981 Council of Europe Night work : Comparative study of legislation and regulations ; problems and social repercussions / Rep. prep. by the Study Group of the 1979 Co-ordinated Research Fellowships Programme
1979 Council of Europe Modern methods of management applied in health institutions / [Europ. Publ. Health Comm.], Co-ordinated Medical Research Programme (1977)
1975 Council of Europe Explanatory report on the Agreement on the Transfer of Corpses, Strasbourg, 26. X. 1973
1961 Université de Strasbourg. Institut d'études latino-américaines Travaux de l'Institut d'études latino-américaines de l'Université de Strasbourg : TILAS
2012   Trésors russes des bibliothèques strasbourgeoises : [catalogue de l'exposition du même nom, présentée à la Médiathèque Olympe de Gouges du 2 octobre au 10 novembre 2012] / réalisé par Rodolphe Baudin et Dmitry Kudryashov
2019 Rosebrock, Tessa Friederike Kurt Martin et le musée des beaux-arts de Strasbourg : politique des musées et des expositions sous le III-e Reich et dans l'immédiat après-guerre / Tessa Friederike Rosebrock ; traduit de l'allemand par Françoise Joly ; préfaces de Paul Lang et Fabrice Hergott
1983 Council of Europe Further training for nurses in the member states of the Council of Europe and in Finland
1978 Council of Europe Explanatory report on the Protocol amending the Convention of 6 May 1963 on the reduction of cases of multiple nationality and military obligations in cases of multiple nationality and Explanatory report on the Additional Protocol to the Convention of 6 May 1963 on the reduction of cases of multiple nationality and military obligations in cases of multiple nationality
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